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So, I ended up staying with the Pirates after all as I really didn't have much of a choice. But as I got to know the crew more and more, I found them less dangerous than I expected. Pirates are known to be--or at least what I'm taught--dangerous, terrifying people that rule the seas. They pillage and if needed, kill whoever is in the way. But not so much these pirates, they were on the chill side of all of that.

The youngest crew member of the ATEEZ Pirate crew, Choi Jongho, is one of the Cabin boys. He wears simple clothing than the others. A blue bandana around his forehead that let his dark brown bangs rest over it, white dress shirt with a blue vest over it, black breeches that go past his knees, and he walks around barefoot. His job is to pretty much do whatever the older crew members tell him to do, specifically those in a higher rank, so the quartermaster and the captain. Jongho is the strongest. Any lifting jobs the crew needs him to do, he does it with ease.

"Jongho, you mind helping move this cannon over a bit? It's a lil heavy." Mingi asks him.

"Yup! I got it!" he agrees, putting his mop down into the bucket and going over to the cannon MIngi needed help pushing.

Jongho is actually amazing, when it comes to opening anything tight, he'll sing to get his strength and open up anything within a few seconds. Weirdly, the crew members like asking him to open up apples whenever they get hungry.

"Jongho ah! Can you open up this apple?!" Wooyoung asks him handing him a red apple.

"Mine too!! Haha!" San jumps in and hands him an apple as well.

Jongho rolls his eyes, then sings to open up both apples quickly and successfully.

"Apado!!~ Annyeong~ Jamshiman!!!~"

I chuckle when he finishes and hands his hungry friends their cut-up fruits. He was probably tired of doing it every time. Something else I noticed about Jongho was how much he likes singing, sometimes I hear him singing while cleaning or sometimes he'll sing with Wooyoung since he likes singing too. I've lived in quiet castle walls my whole life, but for once it was nice to hear something different.

"Princess, uh, could you move over slightly? I gotta clean that spot hehe." Jongho asks me.

"Oh! Sure my bad!" I step to the side so he could swab the deck.

"Just wondering, but what's it like growing up in a castle?" He suddenly asks me while cleaning.

"Boring. It's very boring and too safe. That's why I go out a lot."

He grins cheerfully, "Oh, then you'll really like sea life! Like us, we're not about the boring life!"

𝓕𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓣𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮; (ateez)Where stories live. Discover now