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Without the Sailor Master, we'd be out at sea longer than we need to be and lost. The ocean looks the same no matter where you look, luckily, we have Kang Yeosang who knows exactly where we're going on the plain waves. Yeosang's job isn't an easy one, but he's very good at it. He's always concentrated on maps, making sure we're staying on course. He has three different compasses that he uses, along with other instruments he uses for charting maps and such.

From what I learned, sailing masters were very educated about the sea and direction so I automatically knew that Yeosang is very smart. Sometimes I see him in his quarters, reading maps or sometimes he'll have a meeting with Hongjoong and Seonghwa about the course that we're on, or I'll see him at the wheel, steering and sailing the ship.

I walk up the steps to where the big wheel is and I find Yeosang gently steering it. He gives me a small shy smile when he sees me.

"Ahoy, princess." he greets me.

"Ahoy, Yeosang. You've been up here for a few hours, I thought I bring you a snack. Seonghwa told me you like sweet stuff so I brought you some chocolate!"

I give him the box of chocolates and he takes it with a bow to thank me.

"It sure is a lot in here, do you want to share with me?" He asks as he takes a bite out of one of the pieces and continues to steer the wheel.

I take a piece of milk chocolate, "Well, since you offered, sure!"

We shared the chocolate in silence as Yeosang steered the ship. Yeosang is a very kind guy.

One thing that I noticed about Yeosang was that he's a little quieter than the other guys. On the other hand, I thought it made him pretty cute. He enjoys hanging out with the other crew members and he takes his job seriously since he cares about everyone and believes he carries the mission on his shoulders. He couldn't even imagine what it would be like if he got the crew lost at sea.

Some nights if Yeosang isn't in his quarters, he's out on the deck reading the stars. And such a night was like tonight.

Curiously, I took a lantern and went up to the main deck. I didn't see him anywhere until I went up to the front of the ship and I saw him leaning against the rail, looking up at the bright stars in the sky. He jumps startled when he hears my footsteps but relaxes when he sees me.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to alarm you!" I say and put my lantern down.

"Oh, no it's alright! Haha! Oh? But what are you doing up?"

I join him at his side by the railing, "Can't sleep. I'm used to sleeping on a bed you know, not so much a hammock."

"Ah, I see. Aye, the hammocks can be uncomfortable but we just learn to live with it. The officer quarters are super nice, Seonghwa, San and I, we get beds, along with the captain's quarters, Hongjoong gets the biggest."

"Of course, nothing but the best for the captain I suppose," I say and he chuckles with an agreement.

We got silent for a minute until I pointed up at the stars, "Are we going the right way?"

Yeosang puts his hand up to the sky then checks his star chart rolled up in his pocket and he confirms with a nod.

We get silent again until he finally speaks up, "I'm sorry I couldn't chart a course to just turn the ship around and send you home. You're probably really homesick."

I sigh and give him a small smile, "Honestly, I'm enjoying myself out here. I've always wanted to experience some sort of adventure, and who knew I'd be able to do so with you guys. It's true though, I am a little homesick, but who wouldn't be. There's always going to be that part of home that you'll yearn to see or have again no matter what. What about you? Do you get homesick."

Yeosang looks at me and gives me a cheerful smile, "I never get homesick. My home is with these guys."

a/n: lol I got tired of describing their outfits 😩 y'all get the point right? They're pirates so they look like pirates 😭👌🏾😂😂

𝓕𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓣𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮; (ateez)Where stories live. Discover now