𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰

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Narrator Point of View

Back on the ATEEZ ship, the crew is already in deep peril as the storm causes the ship to toss and turn violently in the ocean waves. The gray skies produce strong, heavy rains that pour down unforgivingly on the crew. The crew is still tied up to the main mast and they know if they want to survive and save Princess Iridessa, they need to escape now. Water fills the main deck as the ship tosses and turns, making it splash the tied up, ATEEZ crew.

Hongjoong coughs up some water before speaking up, "Is everyone alright?!"

Another splash of water hits them all as the ship goes down a big wave. They all cough up more water.

"Y-yeah Captain!! W-we're all alright!!" Wooyoung replies back to him.

"I'll make Seonghwa pay for all this!!" Hongjoong yells with frustration.

"Captain! What do we do?! Are we all really going to Davy Jones' Locker?!" Mingi asks him.

"Heavens no!! Not on my watch!! Not before I strangle that Seonghwa for betraying us!!"

Jongho lets out a slight laugh, "Ahaha for once it feels good to be the youngest!!"

San looks up and notices a big wave of water that was making it's way to them, "BIG WAVE HO!! EVERYBODY HOLD ON!!!!"

Everybody braces for impact as the big wave crashes onto the deck of the ship, drenching them all even more.

Hongjoong releases another set of coughs then looks to his crew, "Is everyone alright?! Cough if you're still alive?!"

The crew members cough in response and he sighs with relief.

"Yunho! Did we get hit badly by that cannon earlier?!" Hongjoong asks him.

"Not terribly! But we did indeed get hit at the hold of the ship! If we get out, I-i may be able to patch it up!"

"How long for our chance of survival?"

"I'd say approximately thirty minutes since this storm is filling up the ship fast!"

Suddenly, Yeosang lit up with an idea. He starts whistling for his bird.

"Yeosang! Now's probably not the time to start whistling some song!" Jongho tells him.

"Shut up, I'm calling my bird," Yeosang says then continues whistling.

The parrot hears the whistling and unlocks itself from its cage then starts flying over to Yeosang.

"Durong ah! Grab my pocket knife on the top shelf in my quarters!"

"Squawk! Mingi ate the last slice of cake!"

"Yah!! That cake was for all of us! It was a big slice too!" San scolds him.

Mingi's eyes widen in surprise, "How'd that bird know that?!"

"No!! Durong! The pocket knife! On the top shelf!!" Yeosang tries telling him again.

"Jongho broke the captain's favorite compass!"

Hongjoong turns to Jongho with an unpleased expression.

"What?! The bird said that not me! Plus you always make me clean your shelves and stuff!"

Yeosang then yells at the parrot in frustration, "THE POCKET KNIFE ON THE TOP SHELF DURONG!!!"

The bird squawks again then flies off to Yeosang's quarters.

"Anyone want stuffed parrot for dinner once this is all over?!" Hongjoong asks everyone who replied back with a chorus of agreements.

𝓕𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓣𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮; (ateez)Where stories live. Discover now