Chapter Fourteen

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Scott POV

Mitch had been gone a really long time. I checked the clock again. It had been over an hour since he'd left to go on a walk and he had yet to return. I pulled out my phone, deciding I'd call him just to check up. No answer.

I began to get worried as I quickly sent him a text asking if he was okay. No answer. That's when my mind went into panic mode. Had Trevor gotten him while he was out walking? I wouldn't put it past Trevor to do something like that.

I was hesitant to call the police only because Trevor's threat popped into my mind. If Trevor did have him and I called the police, he might not be able to take his anger out on me, but he definitely could on Mitch. I scrolled through my contacts, finding Trevor's number and I called him.

It rang a few times, and to my surprise, he picked up. "Hello," he answered. Somehow he made even a simple word sound threatening.

"Where is Mitch?" I asked, now convinced that Trevor had him.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Trevor answered, the lie obvious in his voice.

I clenched my fist, anger growing inside of me. "I swear to God if you hurt him in any way..."

"Hurt him?" Trevor asked as if it wasn't a possibility. "I would never hurt little Mitchie."

Something about the way he said it just made me even angrier. I needed to know where he was because when I found him I was going to tear him to pieces.

"Where are you hiding him?" I yelled, my voice nearly a growl.

Trevor just laughed. "I'm not hiding him anywhere. Maybe you should learn to keep better track of your boyfriend." And then he hung up.

I picked up the first thing my hand grabbed, which happened to be the tv remote, and threw it hard across the room. It hit the wall and clattered to the floor in pieces.

I wasted no time in heading out the door, no clue where to go, but I had to go somewhere. My first thought was our apartment, but Trevor wouldn't take him somewhere where there were neighbors. And yet, they would have to be somewhere that only Trevor had access to.

His house.

My feet moved faster than my mind as I turned around and sprinted toward Trevor's house.

Mitch POV

I sat on the cold floor shivering in fear as I heard Trevor pacing back and forth upstairs. I'd faintly heard him on the phone with someone, and as soon as I heard my name in the conversation I knew it must be Scott. He must have realized I was gone too long.

I wasn't sure exactly how long it had been. Long enough for Trevor to shove me into this basement, tie my hands together behind my back and then repeatedly kick me in the stomach and face out of pure anger. He's angry that I rejected him and angry that I'm with Scott and angry that I didn't want to have sex with him and angry that I've refused all of his demands up until now.

I knew coming here would be bad, I just never realized the level of sadisticness that lived in Trevor. He was purely evil. Tears threatened to roll down my cheeks, but I didn't want him to see me being weak.

Part of me hoped that Scott had figured it out and was on his way to rescue me, but the other part hoped that he hadn't figured it out. Trevor must have known Scott was going to realize I was gone and come after me, so that means that he's ready for him. The thought that he might hurt the only thing I care about completely terrified me.

A sudden noise upstairs pulled me out of my trance. I jumped as I heard a door slam. I heard yelling, lots of yelling.

"Where is he you son-of-a-bitch?!" Someone screamed. Not someone. Scott.

My chest tightened when I heard Trevor laugh. There was a few seconds of silence, and then more commotion. Something glass crashed to the floor and I heard constant thumping like they were fighting. One second there was nothing but noise, and the next second was silent.

A breath caught in my throat as I heard footsteps at the top of the stairs. I waited for them to descend, letting me know who won the fight. Slowly, Trevor came into view, smiling. I wanted to sob or scream or do something, but I could only sit, frozen in shock, unable to move.

Scott POV

I woke up in a daze. My head pounded as I opened my eyes slightly, looking around. I was confused for a few seconds before I rememebered the fight. Trevor and I had been locked in a fist fight, and I was winning, and then everything went black. What happened?

I noticed I was laying down, so I slowly sat up, ready to defend myself if Trevor appeared. I heard quiet sobs coming from somewhere in the room. I scanned the wall across from me, my eyes eventually landing on a small figure curled up in the corner.

"Mitch?" I asked, half relieved that he was alive, and half terrified that he was here.

He immediately stopped sobbing and looked up at me. "I'm so sorry," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

I wanted to get up and go comfort him, but then I realized that one of my wrists was tied to the leg of a chair that had been bolted to the floor. I struggled against it for a few seconds, but then realized it was no use.

"Everything's going to be fine," I lied. "Where's Trevor?"

Suddenly, his eyes got wide as he stared at me. "You're face," he whispered.

I reached my free hand up to touch it. My eye was nearly swollen shut and my lip was fat, but other than that I couldn't feel anything wrong.

I shrugged. "I'm fine."

Mitch pushed himself up so that he was standing and then walked over to me, his hands tied behind his back. He sat down beside me and I pulled him close with my left arm, the one that wasn't attached to a chair.

That's when I noticed his face. I gasped. "Oh my god." I whispered.

He looked at me, confused. 

The bottom half of his face was covered in dried blood, probably from his bruised nose and busted lip. He had a gash on the top of his forehead also, and I could tell that he'd been crying a lot.

"What the hell did he do?" I asked, barely able to contain myself.

He leaned his head on my shoulder. "He's a little angry with me," he whispered. His voice sounded strained.

"What happened to your voice?" I asked.

He breathed in a ragged, slow breath. "He kicked me in the throat," he coughed. "It's difficult to speak."

I breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm myself, but failing miserably. I wanted that bastard to come down here so that I could kill him.

"I wish you hadn't come," he whispered. "He's going to hurt you because he knows that's the best way to hurt me."

I wasn't even a little bit scared of what Trevor might do to me. I was more afraid for Mitch. Trevor was still afraid of me, I could tell, but he wasn't scared of Mitch. And he knew that Mitch was afraid of him, which would make hurting him more enjoyable in his sick mind.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

Mitch sat up and looked at me. "He came by the motel while you were asleep," he whispered, the pain in his voice was killing me. "He told me he'd kill you if I didn't come here."

A tear rolled down his cheek and I lifted my hand to wipe it away. "We're going to get out of here, don't worry."

He nodded, though I could see the disbelief in his eyes. Then, we heard footsteps on the stairs.

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