Chapter Thirty-Three

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Okay, so BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. All of the people who answered my last A/N said that they wanted a sequel to this fanfiction. And, well, I'm pretty much too lazy to go through the process of writing an entire sequel, so I'm just going to make this one a lot longer than originally intended :) so this next chapter was supposed to be the last one before I started writing the sequel, but instead I'm just going to continue it like normal and probably add at least like ten or fifteen more chapters to this one. Soooo yeah.

Also, I didn't realize until after I had posted the last one that I'd accidentally posted two chapters at once lol oops. But oh well, you guys got a little extra.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you guys enjoy! 

Scott POV

I smiled at the little note I held in my hand. I read the clue over again.

the next Clue lies where our Career began.

Is he talking about Pentatonix? 

I walked over to the piano. This was the same piano that had been in my parent's house. Mitch and I had been messing around on it when we'd come up with the idea to form an acapella group. I look all over it, not seeing anything.

That's when I noticed that all of the C's on the note were capitalized. That had to be purposeful. I lifted the lid of the piano and reached inside. Sure enough, lying on top of the C chord was another note.

I unfolded the small piece of paper.

you know where to go. it's A plAce we frequent more thAn we should. get my order right And you'll get the next clue.

I laughed internally as I knew exactly where to go. Starbucks. We went there together every single morning.

Despite the number of times I'd listened to him say it, I still never fail to mess up his order whenever he wasn't there. I walked back out of the apartment, snuggling my coat closer to me when the nighttime air brushed my cheeks.

I walked to Starbucks as opposed to driving since it was so close. I walked in and did just what Mitch said. I walked up the barista and scanned the menu as I attempted to recall Mitch's exact order.

"Can I please get a triple, venti, half-sweet, non-fat, no foam, caramel macchiato?" I finally asked.

She gave me a strange look. "Scott?" She asked.

I nodded.

She smiled. "You're a bit earlier than we expected," she said, handing me another small note.

I thanked her and unfolded it.

i'm honesTly surprised you've goTTen This far. i ThoughT you'd screw up my coffee order ;) buT now, go To The place where you were yourself for The firsT Time.

I read the note over again in my mind as my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Where was I myself for the first time?

I was just pushing open the door to leave Starbucks when the answer hit me. The first time I ever told anyone that I was gay was when I told Mitch. We were sitting on a bench at the park we used to love to go to. I hadn't been there in years. I honestly couldn't believe Mitch even still remembered that.

I came out to him years before I came out to anyone else. I was still in high school when he found out.

I walked briskly through the cool air toward the old, run-down park. I walked straight to the bench where we'd sat together as if I'd just been there yesterday. Sure enough, there was a note taped to the back of the bench. I picked it up and opened it.

congratulationS. you've completed the Scavenger hunt. now put all your clueS together and come find me! :)

I reached into my pocket and pulled out all of the notes. I read them each over again as my brain tried to figure out what he meant when he said 'put all your clues together and come find me'. I read them so many times that my eyes began to hurt.

I was about to just call him and give up when I realized that not only was the 'C' in the first note capitalized, but there was a letter from each of them capitalized.

The first one was C.

The second one was A.

The third was T.

And the final one was S.

CATS. That's where we first met.

I smiled as I raced toward the now-abandoned building where CATS used to meet. It didn't take me long since it was only a couple blocks from the park. I pushed open the heavy door that led into the theater.

It was dark inside because the electricity had been shut off years ago, but there were candles lining the floor. They were making a path up to the stage. I followed them and then they continued past the curtain. I followed the lit path all the way to the doorway of the room where the cast of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory met for our first reading of the script.

I slowly pushed open the door and Mitch was inside, a copy of the original flyer from our play in his hand. He smiled when he saw me.

"I knew you'd figure it out," he said.

He threw the flyer aside and reached out his arms. He wrapped them around my neck and pulled me down to kiss him. I responded, my lips immediately finding his. He pulled away much too quickly, his breaths shaky.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

He nodded, his smile widening and his eyes glimmering in the dim candle light. "Everything's perfect."

I smiled back.

"Um," he stuttered as his smile disappeared. I'd never seen him at such a loss for words. "Scott, you may be questioning what all of this is about."

I nodded.

"I love you," he said.

I smiled, laughing slightly. "I love you, too."

He smiled back, but it was more nervous this time. "I love you so much that it hurts sometimes, but it's the best pain I've ever felt. You are my best friend and there's nobody I'd rather have by my side. I feel so lucky to call you my boyfriend," he paused, swallowing nervously, "but actually there's another name I'd like to call you if you'd let me."

I gave him a bewildered look.

"Husband." He clarified as he lowered himself onto one knee. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small, black box. "Scott Hoying, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

I stared down at the silver band in the box that Mitch was holding. Internally I was screaming 'yes', but I was too shocked to form words. I nodded ferociously and a smile spread across Mitch's face as he got to his feet.

I pulled him toward me and planted my lips on his. I could feel his smile against mine and finally, without parting our lips, I said, "Yes."

He pulled away and took the ring out of the box. He carefully slid it onto my finger and I noticed that it had tiny diamonds encrusted in it. I smiled at its beauty, and then at Mitch's. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was so surreal.

That night, back at the apartment, Mitch and I spent hours just laying in bed, laughing, making out, cuddling, and just being happy. At around midnight, he yawned.

"Tired?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded. "It's been a big day," he said.

Yes it has.

"Sleep, my angel," I said, kissing his forehead.

He curled himself into my chest and soon his breaths became even and I knew he was asleep. I carefully looked down at him and then looked at the ring on my finger. It still felt strange there, and yet I knew it belonged.

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