Chapter Nineteen

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Mitch POV

"Well, I guess it all started about six months ago," I started, about to tell Scott about the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

"Sweetie where's my bag?" I asked Trevor, slipping my shoes on as I got ready to leave his house.

I heard his footsteps coming toward me from the living room where we'd just spent the entire day watching movies.

He held out the black bag toward me with a smile. "Here you go, my queen."

I laughed and took it from him. I kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Are you sure you have to leave?" He asked putting on his best puppy face.

It was difficult for me to resist this level of cuteness, but I nodded. "I promised Scott I'd go shopping with him. He needs help getting Kirstie a birthday present."

"Wait," he said, his voice shifting tones. He seemed almost...angry. I'd never seen him angry before. "You're ditching me to go hang out with Scott?"

I was confused by this sudden outburst. He'd known that Scott and I were roomates and best friends since we'd started dating, so why was this such a shock?

"I'm not ditching you," I reasoned, "I've spent all day with you. I just promised Scott-"

"Go." He said, his voice dark. "Just leave. Go hang out with Scott. He's obviously more important."

His remark angered me. How could he think that? I mean, sure I'd thought that I had feelings for Scott a while back, but when I met Trevor I'd pushed those feelings aside because it was never going to happen.

"Fine." I said, storming out of his house and slamming the door behind me.

I spent the ride to the mall calming myself down and trying not to cry. I didn't want to tell Scott about the fight with Trevor. It was our first fight, like ever.

I met Scott at the food court at the mall, and as I'd hoped, he didn't suspect a thing. He asked about my day, and I just lied, saying it was good without going into too much detail, and he didn't question it.

I checked my phone as I walked back to my car after a successful shopping trip. I had two missed calls and voicemail from Trevor. I listened to the voicemail.

"I'm sorry baby," he said, his voice remorseful. "I didn't mean to get so mad like that. I only get jealous because I know you're way out of my league and I'm afraid of losing you. Please call me."

I smiled at his compliment and called him back as I got in the car.

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