Chapter Thirty-Four

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Okay, I know it's been like a week since I've updated, and that's kind of why this chapter is somewhat short. I haven't had time to sit down and really focus on writing much. I'm finishing up the final part of my senior project for school which has been eating up so much of my time so after that I will hopefully have more time to write. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy :)

Scott POV

"Six weeks?!" Mitch yelled, sitting up in the bed and staring down at where I was laying. "You want me to plan an entire wedding in six weeks?"

I laughed. "Come on, it can't be that hard. Plus, I'll be helping out it's not like it'll all be on your shoulders."

"It's going to be another week or so before I can even walk normally and then I'll only have five weeks to plan the most amazing wedding of all time. It simply can't be done. I'm sorry but we can't get married for at least another five months!" Mitch's tone was teasing, but I knew he was serious.

I'd wanted to speed up the planning process as much as possible. I didn't care if our wedding was the most perfect thing or not, I just wanted to be able to call him my husband as soon as possible. But I'd wait if that's what he wanted.

I sighed, "Fine," I agreed. "But you owe me mister," I teased, slipping a bit of seduction into my voice.

His eyes suddenly glowed with lust as his lips turned up into a smirk. "How can I make it up to you?"

"I'm sure we can think of something," I whispered, pulling him back down against my chest.

He hummed into my shirt. "Not that I don't love cuddling as much as the next guy, but I was hoping for a kiss." He whined.

I laughed. "We'll save that for when you're healed. You don't need to be exerting yourself anymore after all that you've been doing the past few days."

He groaned, but it just made me laugh even more.

"I think you'll survive," I chuckled.

I wanted to kiss him. I mean, I really wanted to. But I could tell by the way that his face slightly scrunched up in pain with each movement that he was nowhere near fully healed no matter how much he wanted to insist that he was. He needed a few days of bed rest like the doctor had ordered before he lands himself back in the hospital.

I glanced down at the ring on my finger again, the memories of last night flashing into my mind. I still couldn't believe that this was happening. Just a few short months ago I'd thought that there was no possibility of Mitch and I ever being together, and now he was my fiance. Life is a seriously unpredictable thing.

The sound of Mitch's phone snapped me out of my daydream. He reached for it on his nightstand and answered it immediately.

"Hello?" He asked, his voice almost sounding nervous. "This is he."

I tried to listen to what the other person was saying, but it was too quiet for me to hear.

"Yes sir," Mitch said, his voice serious. "Alright. Thank you for letting me know."

He hung up and then placed his phone back on the nightstand.

"That was the Sheriff." Mitch said. "They've charged Trevor with rape, assault and battery," he said, his voice on the edge of tears. "And he's plead not guilty to the first charge. The sheriff said that I'll need to get a lawyer and probably have to testify in court if I want him to get any real jail time."

"Do they not have enough evidence to convict him without you having to go through all of that?" I asked, wanting nothing more than anything for all of this to be over with.

He shook his head. "Probably not. And he said that he may not be found guilty even with my testimony."

"Don't worry," I whispered, trying to keep him from crying. "It'll all be okay. We'll get the best lawyer in the state and we'll make sure that bastard goes to jail for the rest of his life."

I felt his tears begin to wet my t-shirt and I pulled him closer to me. "What if he gets off? I don't think I'd be able to handle it if I knew that he was out there and could come for me at any time."

"That'll never happen," I assured him, even though I wasn't so sure myself.

That afternoon, I contacted three different lawyers regarding the case. I'd turned the first two down because they talked about how difficult it was to win a case like this where it's all 'he said she said' and honestly didn't seem very confident in their abilities. The third, however, seemed sure that we would win the case. He said he'd had a lot of practice in this area and had a 98% success rate.

After reading reviews of him online and running it past Mitch, I hired him. We'd meet with him next week once Mitch was feeling better to settle the details of the case.

The fact that Trevor was even pleading not guilty just made me so angry. What made it worse was how upset it was making Mitch. It was the worst feeling knowing that even from prison, Trevor still has that kind of power over him. If we don't win the case, I'm not sure what we'll do.

Mitch POV

I spent the entire day in bed. Scott catered to my every need, hardly letting me move except for when I had to pee. On one hand it was nice to have him cater to me, but on the other hand, I was beginning to feel a bit trapped.

I knew that it was for the best because I probably did need a lot of bedrest, but it honestly sucks being stuck in bed all day long. It especially sucked when Scott was out in the kitchen making phone calls to different lawyers because then I was bed ridden and lonely.

Of course, between each call he'd come and check on me, and he was only gone for less than ten minutes at a time, but still. I'd become so accustomed to having him near me every second of the day. It was almost strange to be alone.

Finally, after we'd settled on a lawyer that seemed promising, he came and laid down in bed beside me. I snuggled into his side and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me impossibly closer.

"How are you doing?" He whispered, his breath hitting my forehead.

I sighed. "Okay," I admitted. "Better now that you're here."

I could almost feel his smile without having to look. "In that case I suppose I can stay a little while longer."

"Good," I murmured, my eyes fluttering shut and my mind beginning to drift to sleep.

I was on the verge of passing out before he spoke up again. "I think I can handle a few more days of this." He said softly.

I smiled, "I think if I have to lay in this bed for another day I'm going to go mad."

He laughed. "Doctor's orders."

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