Chapter 5

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I try to intervene in the situation again but again I fail. "Don't get mad and just calm down" I say quietly to my brother.

Jisung gives me an angry confused look, "did you just tell me not to get mad? How can I not get fucking mad?!"

Jisung takes a step forward to their table, he looks ready to attack. Taehyung quickly stood up and was about to say something but Jisung grabs him by the collar and pulls him over as he glares at him.

Teahyung glances at me as I hide behind Jisung. I give him a concerned and apologetic look.

"Your going to regret what y'all said about Jiwoo" Jisung says in that threatening voice that always scares me even when it is never directed to me and never will be, I still get scared.

Taehyung opens his mouth to say something but Jisung will not let him and glares at Jungkook, "don't worry your gonna be next buddy"

I finally get myself to calm down and get in between Taehyung and Jisung. I separate the two - correction - I try to separate the two, but Jisung's grip is too strong.

"Jiwoo what are you doing move" Jisung says.

"I won't move until you let go of him" I say "he didn't say anything."

"Jiwoo move" Jisung repeats himself in a stern voice.

"Doori is watching you" I say and glance at his direction.

Jisung turns his head and finds Doori, the manager, stare at the situation Jisung has created. He turns his head back around and rolls his eyes in annoyance. Obviously you can tell Jisung doesn't like Doori at all.

Jisung let's go of Taehyung and slightly pushes him back. Taehyung bows his head as he takes sighs of relief and fear, "I'm sorry we shouldn't have said anything about Jiwoo"

"The next time I see you guys here your both dead" Jisung says with a glare.

Taehyung then turns to me, "We're sorry"

I shake my head, "you don't have to apologize I should be sorry."

"For what?!" Jisung asks.

"For you being an idiot!" I say.

Jisung sighs in annoyance and anger. He takes my hand and pulls me to his side, "you guys get lost"

I glance over to Jungkook and I can see that he is mad but I can also see concern and fear in his expression. He is the one Jisung should grab by the collar not Taehyung he didn't do anything. On top of that he apologized for himself and Jungkook even though Taehyung didn't do anything wrong. Worst of all Jungkook let it all happen.

"Wait but-" I try to apologize to Taehyung and want to tell Jisung that Jungkook is the real problem but he just pulld me away from them.

As I get dragged away by Jisung I turn my head and give Taehyung an apologetic expression. Tae gives me the same look as he fixes himself up. He then turns his gaze away from mine and motions for Jungkook to leave with him.

I glance over at Jungkook who gives me a glare as he gets up from where he was sitting. I give him a nastier look and angrily turn away. What a jerk.

"Jisung let go of me" I say and make him let go of me, "calm down for a minute."

Jisung was about to say something but Doori comes and interrupts him before he can start, "Jisung what the hell were you doing over there? I warned you about starting fights with customers"

"You don't know what was happening so stay out of it" Jisung says rudely.

I give Doori an apologetic look, "let me speak to him, you know how he gets"

Doori nods and gives Jisung a glare before going back to work.

"Do those guys bully you at school?" Jisung asks out of nowhere.


Jisung takes my hands and gives me a concerning look "Do you get bullied or harassed? Jiwoo why don't you tell me these things?"

"I'm not getting bullied or harrased" I say "your just overreacting"

Jisung's expression changed to an annoyed one again and he let's go of my hand "Then why were they talking to you like that?"

I sigh, I have been trying to explain to this guy the whole time! "First of all both of those guys weren't talking about me badly only one of them were and the other was trying to defend me and secondly they do not bully or harrases me I have only interacted with those guys like twice and the guy you threatened was the one who is nice to me"

Jisung processes what I said for a second, "wait the guy I grabbed by the collar is the good guy?"

I nod.

"And the other guy who was just sitting there and watching was the one who said shit about you?"

I nod again.

Jisung's brows furrow in anger, "fuck then where is that kid let me-"

I quickly place my hands on his chest to block him from going out the cafe to find Jungkook. Jisung has done enough threatening today. "Hold on there Reck it Ralph no need for anymore destruction"

"Your so lame" Jisung says as he places his hands on his hips.

I mock him by placing my hands on my hips aswell, "so are you"

Jisung pulls me to a empty table and gives me an serious expression, "why was that kid talking about you like that?"

"You want the long or short version?" I ask.

Jisung checks the clock and turns back to me, "short, my break is almost over"

"The guy who was talking bad about me is kind of a douche- scratch that he is a douche and he has a crush on Sana but he found out she doesn't like him so he did something very bad to upset her and because he upset one of my best friends I don't like him especially when he is near her so I get a bit protective when he's with her and I guess I come off as a bit annoying to him and also he does not like me at all and I feel the same about him maybe even a lot more I fucking hate that kid" As I explain the situation I get angerier.

Jisung nods in understandment, "now I understand why he doesn't like you"

I slap Jisung's arm.

"Don't get all salty I'm still on your side" Jisung says as he rubs his arm "what did he do to Sana that was so bad"

"He said some very racist comments about her" I say thinking back on what he said "He should know how much Sana suffers from racism"

I shake my head. It's a shame how racist people can be, we should learn to accept and embrace all people and cultures. She faced a lot of bullying when she was younger just because she is mixed. Sana was born in Korea and has a Korean mother but a Japanese American born dad.

Jisung furrows his brows, "He said racist shit about Sana and your telling me he has a crush on her? How the fuck does that work?"

"He was just mad that he got rejected" I say.

Jisung shakes his head, "stay away from that kid"

"You don't have to tell me twice" I say

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