Chapter 10

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I spot Jimin on my way to the school entrance. He is leaning against a tree on his phone, he might be waiting for one of us or he isn't in the mood to come into class early.

"Jimin" I call out his name so he knows I'm coming over.

He looks up from his phone and turns his head to my direction. His eyes light up and he makes his way over to me.

I smile and let out my hand for a high five but he just passed by me. I furrow my brows at what just happened. Did he just ignore me?

I turn around to find Jimin put his arm around Jiwoo. Since when are they a thing? I didn't even know they knew each other.

I feel an arm around my shoulders and I look to Taehyung standing beside me. "What are you staring at?"

"Did you know Jimin and Jiwoo are friends?"

"Jimin and Jiwoo?" Tae asks. "I don't think they are"

"Well look" I say and nod my head towards their direction.

Tae and I watch Jimin talk with Jiwoo. He holds money in his hand and Jiwoo looks as if she keeps rejecting it. What is he doing?

"Oh he's paying her back because she payed for his lunch yesterday" Tae says "he forgot his card again"

That isn't surprising, Jimin always forgets his lunch card. "Come on" I say and start walking over to them and Tae follows.

"You sure?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah it's fine you don't have to pay me back" Jiwoo says.

"Fine" Jimin says giving up which is weird because Jimin never agrees to not paying back. He always pays back no matter who it is.

"Jiwoo your bag is open would you mind if I closed it?" Jimin says.

"No it's fine" she says and Jimin goes behind her to 'close' her bag. Her bag isn't really open.

Jimin opens her bag and slips the money in there then closes it. "There I closed it"

"Thanks" Jiwoo says "I'm going to go now"

I can tell she is uncomfortable, she got like that right when Tae and I came by.

"Hey Jiwoo" Hoseok says coming up from behind her.

She turns around to see Hoseok and her eyes widen, "oh hi, um I'm going to go over to Sana now so uh bye"

With that she quickly walks away from all of us and makes her way to Sana who is talking with another friend of theirs. I stare at Sana as she turns to face Jiwoo with a smile.

I feel Jimin's hand on my head turning my head around. "You two boys quit staring at Jiwoo"

Tae and I turn our attention back to our friends. I make an annoyed face, "I wasn't staring at her."

Jimin smirks, "then who were you staring at?"

"Sana" Tae says with a smirk.

I elbow his arm and give him a glare. Tae rubbed his arm and gave me the same injury.

Jimin raises a brow, "Sana? Really?"

"I wasn't staring at her and if I was what about her?" I ask. Why did Jimin have that reaction?

"Nothing man, why are you getting so defensive?" Jimin asks with his hands raised up in surrender.

"Then why'd you say, Sana? Really? Like that?" I ask.

Jimin smirks, "because you recently called her out like an insensitive racist douche, it just didn't seem like you would like her if you did that"

He flicks my forehead.

I rub my forehead to minimize the pain "Ow! What was that for?!"

Jimin crosses his arms, "for being an insensitive racist douche"

I roll my eyes and shrug, "it was just a dare"

"It's always just a dare for you" Tae says.

I glare at my best friend. Tae ignores my glare and turns his attention to our hyungs. "Jungkook is a problematic child, that's how he shows his feelings"

"What about you, huh?" I change the topic onto him to get it away from me. "Your always staring at Jiwoo."

Tae's eyes widen, "what are you talking about? Don't change this into me."

"Now that I believe" Jimin says "do you like Jiwoo?"

"No I don't what makes you think that?" Tae says defensively.

"Yesterday you went to got talk to her at lunch and gave her a drink" Jimin says.

When was that? Does he actually like her? I was only joking around when I said that.

"I was just apologizing to her because Jungkook caused some problems the other day with her brother" Tae explains.

"Her brother? What happened?" Hoseok asks as he turns his attention on me.

The warning bell rings, "I'll tell you later at lunch" I say.

"And I'll be making sure Jungkook tells you what actually happened" Tae says.


Seoyun and I walk into class and I walk her to her seat. "Can I come and see your performance?" Seoyun asks.

"Yeah you can but don't expect to see it soon, we just started making our choreography" I say.

Seoyun pouts, "I wanna see you guys practice"

I made a disgusted face just to tease Seoyun, "stop making that face and no you can't"

Seoyun starts to whine, "why can't I?"

"Because I said so" I say in a duh tone.

Seoyun rolls her eyes "uhg fine"

I smile at how annoyed she is at me, "I'm gonna go to my seat now"

Seoyun waves her hand in disinterest, "yeah whatever"

I turn to leave but stop when I hear Jungkook greet me. "Hey Jiwoo"

He has an annoying smirk on his face and I know the only reason he is talking to me is to annoy me. I glare at him, "eat shit"

Jungkook just gives an amused smirk and sits down on his chair.

"Hi Jiwoo" Taehyung says to me as I pass by him.

"Oh hey" I say awkwardly and quickly make my way to my seat.

When I sit down I look over at Seoyun who gives me a questioning look. I dismiss her stare and put my head down as I wait for class to start.

I visually show that I don't like Jungkook and I'm pretty sure he got the message. But as for Taehyung, it's not like I don't like him because I do, I think he is a very nice person.

I just get awkward around him because everytime I see him or when he speaks to me I just remember when my brother tried to pick a fight with Jungkook and Taehyung. Then I would remember my brother threatening Taehyung so I feel guilty and then embarrassed. That is why I get awkward around him and now I just feel bad.

When he came up to me at lunch to apologize I felt so embarrassed that I couldn't even say anything to him. When he left I immediately felt bad but I still didn't say anything to him when I felt like I should. I'm pretty sure he is just trying to be friends but I'm just being an awkward person. I blame my brother and Jungkook for creating that whole scenario.

The bell rings as I'm lost in thought scolding myself for being unintentionally rude to Taehyung. I lift up my head when the teacher walks in and get myself ready for class.

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