Chapter 11

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"You need a ride to your dance studio?" Jisung asks which catches me by surprise.

I furrow my brows and give him a questionable look, "what's in it for you?"

He gives me the same look, "nothing you idiot, I'm meeting up with a friend and your dance studio is on the way so I thought I'd drop you off"

"Oh okay, then I would love a ride, thanks big bro" I say in an overly exaggerated sweet way.

Jisung lightly flicks the back of my head as I pass by him, "hurry and get in the car, I don't want to be waiting hours for you"

I try to flick him back he dodges it, "I just need to put on my shoes that will take like a second so chill out"

"If your not in my car by the time I start it up I'm leaving you" he says and immediately runs out the door.

I put my shoes on in a rush and follow my brother out the door. He gets into the car before me so I speed up my pace as I run to the car.

I know he won't leave me but he would start driving away from me as I get closer to the car because he is annoying like that.

Luckily I make it into his car before he started it up. I don't have to deal with his annoying antics this time.

"Damn I was so close but if I started the car I would have run you over and mom and dad would be pissed" Jisung says.

"Bro just drive" I say. I don't need to hear about Jisung's attempt in failing to run me over.


"Get out of my car" Jisung says as he pulls up in the parking lot. He could have dropped me off infront of the enterance, why did he park here?

As I walk out of the car Jisung does too. Is he meeting his friend here? I thought he said it was on the way.

I shrug, when does Jisung ever say anything right? Never.

"Who are you meeting?" I ask my brother as we make our way to the enterance.

"A friend from work, you never met him so I don't think you know him" Jisung answers.

"Does he go to this dance studio or..." I begin to ask.

"No, actually I just remembered Hoseok said that he was going to be here after school so since I am here now I wanted to meet up with him for a bit before I leave" Jisung says.

"Oh okay" I say. I hope Jisung does not notice that I act strange around Hoseok. No one really notices how I feel about him because I am good at hiding my feelings. But Jisung is my brother we have known each other since birth so we can detect each other pretty well. I can't say a hundred percent though.

We walk into the dance room and we immediately get greeted by Hoseok. "Hey Jisung! What are you doing here?"

"I just came to drop my sister off and thought to stop by" Jisung says.

I leave them to talk and find my friends so we can get started with our choreography.


"Okay guys we are almost done, we got this" Hoseok says as he grabs his water bottle.

"Hey are you alright?" Changkhyun asks me.

I furrow my brows, "yeah why?"

"Because you just seem a little off to me these past days" he says "ever since we started this project you have not been doing your best"

"I haven't?" I ask. Is it that noticable? I get very nervous around Hoseok and I guess it shows. I sigh in annoyance, I need to get it together.

Changkhyun pats my back, "Is there anything going on? If there is then you don't have to tell me I just want to know if your doing well."

"Nothing is going on and I am doing fine I'm just a little nervous that's all" I say "it's just that I have never choreographed a dance that others are actually going to see before"

"You'll be fine Jiwoo, your one of the best students in this studio" Changkhyun assures me.

I give him a smile and hug him, "thanks oppa, I never knew you for a motivational speaker."

He gives me a smug look, "I'm good at everything so there is no need to be surprised."

I laugh as I roll my eyes at his cockiness. "Come on let's work on our dance" I take his arm and lead him towards the center of the room instead of the side so we have more room to move.

Hoseok makes his way back over to us, "I see our little break is over let's get back to this dance."

I take a deep breath. Let's get this done because I don't know how much longer I can take these weird and stupid feelings. Not only do I feel butterflies and nervousness near Hoseok I also feel intimidated.

Hoseok is a very care free and fun person to be around but this guys personality makes a full 360 as a dance instructor. He is tough.

I can tell how seriously he takes dancing.

It did not take us long to finish the dance. After we got everything down we stayed practicing it non stop.

"One more time and we are done for the day" Hoseok says and starts the music.

We finish the choreo without any mistakes and make every move with okay sync. It needs to be perfect though.

Once we were done Changkhyun and I stayed on the floor to rest. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes as he chugs down his water bottle.

I lift my head up from his shoulder and give him a disgusted look, "you gulp way to loud."

"Shut up" he says and lightly tosses the empty bottle at my face.

I was about to pick the water bottle up and throw it back at him but a hand grabbed it before mine. I follow the hand and find Hoseok squating infront of me with a smile on his face.

"Good job today" he says looking at me "We'll get down perfect by tomorrow with your skill, it's a shame your not on our school team we need someone like you."

Hoseok then turns to Changkhyun and flicks him on the head, "do better."

"Ow!" Changkhyun complains and rubs his forehead, "what the hell dude!"

Hoseok hands me the empty water bottle, "hit him hard."

He ruffles my hair before he gets up to leave.

I give Changkhyun an evil look so he gets up and tries to escape from my attack me.

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