Chapter 13

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We are currently making our way to the cafe my brother works at, Seoyun has kept me from leaving this whole time. We are walking a bit behind the boys because I refuse to walk beside Jungkook, and Seoyun has to keep me beside her, or else I'll leave. I clench my fists and glare at Jungkook as he walks in front of me, I really feel like kicking the back of his legs right now.

Seoyun nudges my arm, "dude, stop staring at him like that, people might think you gonna attack him or something."

"That's exactly what I want to do," I say.

"I know he annoys you but can you please keep your hate for Jungkook to a minimum when we are with other people, it's not fair to act all grumpy like this infront of Taehyung and Hoseok just because of Jungkook. Also, you're just ruining your own mood don't let him get to you that is exactly what he wants" Seoyun says.

She's right. I sigh, "yeah you're right Seoyun I shouldn't let him get to me, thanks."

I delete Jungkook out from the picture and only set my mind to hanging out with Seoyun, Taehyung and Hoseok. I would gladly hang out with them at the cafe.

Taehyung turns around to check up on us, "hey why don't you guys walk with us?"

Seoyun looks at me and I nod to indicate to her that it is fine. She gives me a smile and grabs my arm to pull me over to catch up with the boys.

"How's your progress in your choreo Jiwoo?" Hoseok asks.

"Oh uh I think I'm getting better, I have been practicing it everyday" I say.

"That's good I like the determination, I really hope you consider the dance team" Hoseok says making me smile. He wants me in the dance team, does he really think I'm that good?

Jungkook laughs, "Hyung they are right when they say you are too nice!"

Hoseok smacks Jungkook upside the head, "I'm being serious, she is a good dancer you just haven't seen her."

I turn to Seoyun with murder on my mind, Jungkook is so lucky we are in public right now. Seoyun just gives me a smile, "just ignore him."

We finally head into the cafe and my eyes instinctively goes over to the counter to find my brother. I see him wiping the counter down and wait for him to look up so I can wave. When he picks the cloth up he looks up from the counter and towards the door.

I give a little wave to greet my brother but he just looks away and was about to turn around but stopped himself to look over at our group again. He probably didn't recognize me the first time he looked up because I entered with a group.

I wave again thinking he looked back up because he recognized me but I get no wave back. I notice he isn't looking at me but at Jungkook and Teahyung.

My eyes widen, oh damn.

To make this situation even worse I notice his eyes widen when he notices me standing beside them. I quickly make my way over to him when I see him begin to walk around the counter to come our way. "You guys go a head and find a table, I'm just going to go talk to someone" I say when Seoyun asked where I was rushing off to.

"Jisung Jisung wait" I say as I stop him from following the group I came in with.

"What the hell are you doing with them and why do they have the nerve to come back after I told them not to " Jisung says all while glaring at the two boys.

"I told you that Taehyung didn't say or do anything wrong, he is actually a really nice person so you have no reason being mad at him" I say.

"Explain why you're here with the other kid, huh?" Jisung asks.

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