Secret meet up Part 2

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Part 2


I am truly blessed with such sweet siblings especially since I didn't have any in my past life. It made me extra pleased with my new life.

They keep giving me sweets and teach me anything about this world. And I must admit we slept together a few times when I was crying and petrified from my nightmares.

They always come at night before I go to sleep to check on me and secretly pinch my cheeks however what they didn't expect was for me to be crying in my room so the took me out to sleep with them. It made me so happy.

~ time skip~

I am about to turn 5 in a week meaning my power will be awakened and I am terrified because......

The CROWN prince will be there.

My plan to avoid him is fully destroyed ughhhhhhhh.

It was night and everyone was asleep except my siblings of course. I quietly walked to the library where we would always meet up after bedtime. 

I walk down the quiet and dark halls to the library. I slowly try to open the door, but the door had other plans It just decided to swing open with a lot of cracking. Ughh please don't wake up please don't wake up!!!

In a rush, I run in the library and there they were. 

'Hahaha Chris and Elvi.'

 I put a big smile as I walk to them hiding behind a desk, I could still see the candlelight clearly.

I run up to them. and see them behind the desk with pillows and blankets making a fort.

Ahh Alice come here help me put the pillows in there place. 

-20 minutes later-

We were laying in the fort we made under the desk

'Chris, Elvie I am scared for my awakening I said in an extremely cute voice'

' Awww Alice-chan I remember when I had it two years ago I was terrified unlike the block of ice we call a brother' Elvie gave him a displeased stare as she said 'Even if you get a weak power Chris and I will be there to protect our cute little baby sister' she pinched my cheeks. 

'Elvie's right there is nothing to be scared about we will protect you no matter what' at this point, Chris was getting irritated by the fact that Elvie was pinching my cheeks and pulled me out of her grip and hugged me, giving Elvie a "she is not yours" stare. 

In the end, Wriggeld out of there grips and said 'I know that but I also want to protect big brother and sister, I promise I will work hard to protect you too' I look extremely pleased with myself saying this. 

"I know what you are thinking you were the most powerful woman in the world why are you acting like this, well to be honest I never had a family I grew up in dirty streets until this old grandpa took me in he taught me a lot but he died soon after adopting me leaving me to rule his company and eventually expanding it to what it was on the day I died.

So I never had a family or a time to act cute or like a child, in general, that's why I am not wasting this opportunity even if I might die really soon.

In the Chris read to me and Elvie, then I quickly dozed off to dreamland. 

Elvie's Pov (point of view)

'Chris, I am scared for Alice-chan, I truly hope she gets an average power, unlike us. You know how many families wanted me to marry their future heirs and what freaks are out there.'

I started tearing up I had some bad experiences with people trying to force me to something. ( engagement, threats if she didn't get engaged with certain heirs).

'Elvie I know I feel the same way I know you had some luck when you got engaged with Jacob you guys truly love each other and he is From another duck family that lives close by, but  I know that people are going to come after her so we should be prepared and keep her out of it as much as possible' Chris gave me a warm smile as I dozed off as well.


The end thanks for reading give me some feedback please ( as friendly as possible).

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