My Awakening party (part 2)

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I entered the ballroom walking behind my parents tot the crystal ball on the stage.

There were lots of people I, however, kept my calm walked gracefully to the stage where, there was a magic recorder that works like a microphone.

'Hello everyone that you for coming to my awakening party I hope you will enjoy the refreshments as well the music. Overall thank you for coming and I hope you enjoy the party.

I bowed down and went to the crystal. The priest was quitting me and told me to close my eyes while he made some symbols on the inside of my hand that will be like a blue coloured Hannah tattoo.

These were the symbols drawn on the inside of my hand

Left hand:

Right hand: ❂

' Dear child please stand'

I stood up from my kneeling position and walked right behind the crystal ball.

'Now dear child, I want you to put both hands not the crystal ball and close your eyes to avoid blindness if the light is too bright'

'Yes, high priest'

I did what I was asked and put both my hands on the crystal ball.

The high priest was right if I hadn't closed my eyes I would have been blind by now. The light was so bright.

' Ah, My dear child please open your eyes'

'High priest can you tell me what my powers are, are they as great as my siblings'

(I said as I slightly bowed)

'Dear child you possess the power of the Sun Goddess you are truly blessed.'

Just as I thought

I politely thanked the high priest then my parents and came off the stage.

Immediately there came a crowd around me talking to me trying there best to sugarcoat me.

I just talked back with an aloof attitude as well as someone with perfect manners. Instead of the crowd decreasing it increased and my parents were filled with parents of the children trying to sugarcoat me.

'Excuse me I would like to talk to my Siblings about my accomplishments, while I do that you could get some refreshments after waiting for so long' I said this with and slight smile making me look extremely pretty with my deep red eyes and long golden hairs.

I walked to Big brother and Big sister.

' Big sister and brother' I curtseyed.

Elvie was the first to respond

' You did great baby sister' and gave me a small pinch in my left cheek.

Big brother just hugged me and told me he was proud, so did my parents.

Even though this was a big accomplishment, I was not happy.

Nearing the end of the ball, I had lots of dances with males as well as females for some reason?㋛

I didn't mind so much.

I went out to the rose garden which I was obsessed with.

Someones pov (point of view) -

I look like the host (Alice-chan) of the party left.

I followed as she ended up at a rose garden it was pretty but mothers were better.

I saw as she walked around the garden she looked like a true angel...

She started sniffing the flowers she stood in the middle of the garden with the moonlight shining in her face. In one word; Mesmerizing.

'Finn where are you? Jeez, that guy. He always leaves me'

That is my best friend and study buddy • Abel Von Pausres ( Marquis's son, study buddy).

I softly walked away imprinting the girl in my mind.


another chapter there you go ;)

vote for my story, share it, idk just do it you have my thanks 

xxxx ))))))))

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