the future

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It has been 3 years since our marriage and Finn and I have had 3 children.

My first birth was of a healthy cute little boy, that we called Lucas Finn Imperium

He was our first son we dote on him a lot 

he has my personality cold on the outside to others but warm and sweet on the inside and I am very happy that he has my personality and not Finn's I can't deal with two of them!!!!!

Then there was my second birth to twins...

They were exactly like my older brother and sister I decided to name them 

girl: Cecile Chloe Imperium

boy: Claude Christopher Imperium

All three of them are my pride and joy

they are all gifted with magic and smarts

One thing i do have a problem with is..... Their looks 

I mean I know Finn and I look like gods but my children too!

there are to many people trying to make an engagement with them and my youngest girl has it the worst she has me, her brothers and her father protecting her I don't know if she ever finds love :(

but then again the family live happily and I take my children with me to my business excursions and we secretly go to the town and act as commoners when Finn is working. But I know he knows you don't think I would see his guard protecting us ;)

I regularly meet my parents and sibling as well as my in-laws 

I truly became happy living this life ;)


the end 

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