Going to Flyn academy

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Alice pov

It has been two days after the "incident" with the crown prince.

When I got home I hide in my room for the whole night. The embarrassment was really growing on me.

It was just the fact that I didn't mind him doing it. I actually found it rather romantic.

Because of my feelings/thoughts, I decided to do my best to study as much as I can about my powers. Even though I knew the powers of the villainess, I changed the plot quite a lot.

I still did some research. In the research, it said " Sun goddess powers are rare and give you extremely strong powers"

" The wielder of the power will have the consequences of having a disease"

" The sunlight disease, where you get a lack of sunlight and they become weak and eventually die"

" However, if you do stay in the sun more then 3 hours, Your youth will stay and you will become old slower"

Ummm. At least there is a big plus point, I will get less old and stay youthful.

After my research was completed - 8 Days-

I was getting ready to leave and got my stuff packed. I gave a kiss to my parent and big bro and sis. Not the TRAITOR.

We sat in the same carriage on our way there.


Will's POV

Alice-Chan is still giving me cold treatment.

The crown prince owes me big time if he dares do anything I will snitch immediately.

Slowly but surely on our way to Flyn academy. Alice-Chan came back to normal.

She scolded me for a good 1 hour about how she would not talk to me for a month if I did something like this again.

When we finally arrived Alice-chan and I were happily chatting.

I do not know how but Alice-chan always has a calming righteous aura. It made me attracted to her as a friend, a brother.

However, I am scared that other males such as the crown prince cannot control themselves.

That is WHY I am here, to protect here with the best of my capability, I saw what the crown prince did. And it won't happen again until Alice-chan allows it.

We walked together to the check-in point to get to our dorm rooms.

I turn around hearing Alice-chan talking to someone.

It was a tall guy with blonde hair and brown eyes, he clearly wasn't good enough for Alice-chan so this is what I did.

' Alice-channnn can you come here we need to go to our rooms I have the key'

' Yes I am coming, will'

"I will be taking my leave thank you for keeping me company, kind sir" Alice said

I was pretty irritated that they even tried to talk to her grrrrrr.

We reached our room the maids started working on our rooms Alice-chan and I have dorm rooms however we are the only ones sleeping in them,

Luckily I am in the room next to hers as the family of a Duke.


Alice- chan pov


' I am going to the garden I'll see you in a bit'

Will finally stopped being overprotective after I was about to get mad and let go to the garden.

The school is so beautiful it is super big and has lots of rooms with a different setting, and I heard that the garden from the school is as big as a forest.

I walked down the stairs when I saw the gorgeous view of the garden is seen through the big (ass) window I was highly impressed there were different sections in the garden

There was a sort of playground there was a swing in the air and to get on it you had to jump on the air Botton I read about.

(Red dot on the ground where there is air the fill gently fly you to designated place)

The rest is mostly different flowers such as roses, lily, lavenders,  etc

I rush down to the swings currently there was no one there so I quickly jumped on the red dote and move there on the swing.

Feeling joyous I had a big smile on my face, grinning from ear to ear.

' Hey princess'

Shocked I turn around, to a flying Crown prince— Finn

'Your royal highness, If I may ask could you not call me princess it makes me feel uncomfortable.'

'Sure, princess' he said

' Your Highness if you please stop doing that'

I knew what he was trying to get out of it he wanted me to call him by his first name. But I have to much pride for that at the moment so........

'Only if you call me by name, Princess'

Now am frustrated but he wants to get the better of me

' Your royal highness the crown prince, Finn Lester Imperium'

I could clearly see he was irritated but he could not do anything to stop me except for giving me order but I doubt—

'I order you to call me Finn'

He actually ordered me, I stare at him with wide-opened eyes, he dared! To have the NERVE to do that. Grrrrrr


At this point, I excused myself and went away as fast as possible.

'Alice where are you going'

His Highness, still flying after me made me mad.

With a smile responded.

' Finn... I am going to my chambers if you excuse......'

I was pulled against a tree in the shade, hidden from anyone.

'Alice, I hope you are not planning on running away or avoiding me'

Finn looked clearly irritated.

I avoided his question by putting my head to the side, not looking in his eyes anymore.

'Alice, I am getting irritated please look me in the eyes and answer my question'

His voice was low and irritated.

I, however, did not obey I started looking down.

His fault for breaking my pride. I wished I had practised more one my shadow travelling because I can only travel small distances.

Finn would catch me in one second. Ughhhh

Then I felt my chin forcefully pulled to meet his eyes. They looked scared, lonely, yearning or was is desperate. Just as I was trying to find it out.

I felt something warm on my lips. I was a soft and pleasant feeling.


My thoughts were full on shaken, as he pulled away.

And stared at me full of righteousness

Grrrr this guy though he did something righteous.

After this little meeting, I ran away as fast as I could with the sound of his chuckle in the background. -


there you go 

word count: 1071

that's a lot your welcome ;)

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