what happened when we were separated

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Alice pov

Being 16 meant a lot.

It meant that I would graduate and start my own cosmetics company.

I have been working towards it I already have 100 product of the highest qualities.

The only reason I did not start selling was that my parents wanted me to focus on school and have a fun childhood.

I obliged but that did not stop me from showing off the cosmetic that I used during balls and tea parties.

Now I have the power to ruins someone's reputation by not coming to their party or ball....

They now call me the holy Alice :((((

It makes me want to cry when I hear it but I keep it in every time only Finn knows I do not like the name and teases me with it.

Only one more year ( when she is 17) and I will marry Finn.

We decided to not do it after I graduate since I do want to make my company legendary (even though it already is).

I couldn't have been more hopelessly in love with Finn.

I have the luck of being that golden girl everyone loves because all the girls stay away from Finn.

Finn has to deal with jealousy every day though....

Boys, as well as girls, come up to me every day with ulterior motives......

I have been kissed by a lot of girls......

(Not boys but GIRLS)

And Finn couldn't do anything because it was when we had to change for gym or sleepovers in our dorms.

I feel really guilty but I can't stop them.

You go and try to fight 100 girls when they try to kiss you.



I am a bit thankful though.........



Because of that Finn keeps kissing me everywhere and I hate to admit it but I love his soft smooth lips.

And when our kiss deepens it tastes sweet and fresh like chocolate and orange.

I like it a lot.......

Of course, I never admitted this to anyone except for Belle the. She found out when I was talking to myself out loud during the sleep over....


HOW EMBARRASSING........................

I couldn't let anyone else know so I made her promise me to never tell a soul.

Till this day she didn't.

I was already evening and I was reading a book while being in Finn's embrace.

His hug was soft and caring. I never want to give him to anyone else......


Finn get your ass out there and kiss a lot of girls see if I care!

Of course, I only said this in my mind while I kept staring at his face.

'What's wrong darling' Finn said moving a piece of hair from my face.

' We are going to graduate tomorrow....... Am a tiny bit nervous......... I won't get to see you for a long year.'

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