WA-WHATTT nooooo

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Finn pov

We had our first potion lesson and Alice didn't look comfortable at all.

He powers demand that she should have at least 3 hours of sun per day if she gets more she glows and doesn't need 3 hours for the next day. ( she can stay in the shade the whole day)

This is a troubling thing because I want to keep her locked in when we are married so no one can see her except for me.

I can see all the guys and some girls staring at her in a way that annoys me extremely.

I don't even want to think about there perverted thoughts.

She IS mine how do they not understand.

Alice got used to calling me Finn after a while, I had to fight for it though.

Her manners are on a whole new level.

She really is a tough cookie. I like it though.

'You highness would you please answer this question on the board' the teacher caught me slacking off, damn I don't know.

Then I saw the answer written in my notebook by Alice.

'Green grass and white snails'

She truly was an angel.

It won't take long until I make her mine.


Alice pov ( point of view)

After the potions class, I was a little discharged.

I felt quite weak and dizzy.

Luckily for me, I got the next class for mana handling.

We had to go outside. Cheering me up immediately.

I just got outside when I felt an arm over my shoulder.

' hey'

It was Finn

' Finn this is quite inappropriate'

' you are my Fiancé so it's fine '

Why is he acting so outrageous? It's not like I am talking to other guys and flirting with them.

For an unknown reason, I felt comfortable so I decided to let it be.

-time skip- 30 minutes before curfew.

I still had to greet my neighbours, so they know if anyone other then me goes in my room they have to call security.

I knocked on the door to my left and guess who came out Ella.

'ALICE-CHAN I missed youuuuu!!!!'

'Ella we saw each other two hours ago. '

I give a small smile, lucky me she will kill the person that decided to secretly enter my room.

Then I decided after a long conversation to see the other neighbour.

*knock knock*

'Hello, Ohhh ALICE how did you find me'

It was Belle she looked too cute with her hair loose and in her pyjamas. (The PJs are fully covering her)

' hi was here to say hello, I didn't know you were my neighbour that's why'

' WAIT we are neighbours' Belle said super thrilled.

'Yes, I'll talk to you tomorrow how about we go to class together with Ella'



The next morning walked into class with Belle and Ella. It was a chaotic morning.

These airheads forgot to wake up. So me being me, I killed them ;)

After their torture, we went to class.

I was about to sit down in the front when Finn showed up and teleported right where I was supposed to sit.

This ended up in me sitting on his lap. This was my reactions.

(the Slanted font is thoughts right now might change it later)

Finally, I can sit down.....


I turn around immediately seeing Finn's smug grin.

I stand up and walk out of class EXTREMELY flustered.

Everyone saw what happened, the teacher and my classmates.

The teacher excused me and only me (Finn tried to protest but then got detention)

I walked around still flustered. Then Will came he comforted me. 

And helped me regain my posture again. 


I am back sorry I have a lot of assessments due so ill be back Sunday then am finished (summer vacation id for me in about 2 weeks minus the weekends. ;)

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