The meeting

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It has been 1 day, since then...

I had to sleep with so much embarrassment.

None even in past life dared to do that, even that ones with higher status and more power didn't dare touch me.

I was so flustered I could sleep well for a whole night.

Today I have my first lesson and my first interaction with all the capture-flags.

Finn Lester Imperium
Will Julius Tirnania(ML study buddy)
Keith Su Imperium (ML study buddy, brother good relationship)
Abel Von Pausres ( Marquis's son, ML study buddy)
Kenneth Laste Olven (Baron's second son)

I know for sure that Finn will forget about me when he sees the heroine I mean she is a beauty (she can't compare to my looks though 😉 ).

As I soundlessly walk through the halls I hear someone running behind me.

Not bothered I keep walking, that is until...


Fell face front on the ground while someone was laying on top of me.

A sweet voice sounded ' Ahhhh I am so sorry I tripped on my way to class'

I immediately recognized the voice it was the.... The heroine of the story

Belle Olven, the adopted daughter of the Baron.

Then it all fell into place, it couldn't have been more perfect. If I were to be friendly the heroine then the capture flags would be nice to me too.

And then when I start my company they would not drag it through the mud.

I stand up and look at the heroine.

'It's ok, where do you have class I can help you find it'

She is truly good looking and her friendly aura makes it even better.

' You do not need to I do not want to bother you, Lady Tirnania'

'Oh, please it's fine you can even call me Alice'

I gave her a bright smile, Belle was so nice I do not understand how the villainess harassed her.

'Really, then you can call me Belle'

' Sure come on Belle, take my hand we are in the same room'

We were happily chatting when we arrived in the classroom.

I went to sit in the front when Belle came to sit next to me.

'I hope you don't mind, I don't know anyone else.'

'Yes it's fine to sit down'


Belle's pov

When I bumped into the youngest daughter of Duke Tirnania, I was terrified that she would be out to get me then.

But instead of being hurt she helped me and lead me to the classroom she even let I sit next to her.

I felt so blessed however, at the same time I could see the whole class turning against me.

Of course, they would I mean I am sitting next to the idol of the class even the crown prince is obsessed with her.

Yet she doesn't seem to notice.

Then Crown prince entered the classroom, he immediately looks in our direction...

To be more precise, he looked at her.

I mean who didn't she looked stunning like a goddess.

She wasn't affected by the popularity she has she still stayed so kind. I really respect that.

There was one more place next to her on the bench.

Everyone who was slow getting there was stopped by the crown prince.

When walked in he immediately went to sit next to her.

He sat down and intently stared at her.

Even though it was only a glimpse I thought I saw Alice flinch a little.

She slowly and gracefully turned her head making a small bow to the crown prince.

I heard her angelic voice saying.

'Greetings, Crown prince'

Then suddenly the crown prince took her notebooks and put them above her head.

' I thought we discussed it, my name'

Then she started pouting and trying to grab her notebooks.

She looked so cute I think half of the class including me got a little nose bleed.

after a while she gave up, she looked defeated.

'I give up, can I please have my books back.... Finn'

His Highness the crown prince looked, extremely pleased with himself.

I got annoyed, Does he not have any dignity forcing a girl to say his first name.

I was about to put him in his place when the teacher walked in.

I looked over and saw that Alice stood up and bowed.

' Teacher thank you for being willing to teach me and my classmates this year'

She thanked the teacher for doing his job!!!

I was confused why she did but for them I say the happy and pleased expression on the teachers face.

She did it to show him respect and thankfulness.

I was utterly flabbergasted. As the lesson continued she shown her wits.

Every question asked she got right and she still took notes of the class delicately.

(1 lesson = 2 hours)

The first lesson ended and we had a 30-minute break.

I walked with Alice to the huge garden.

Where she explained that she made her own 2 swings both under a big tree. One was constantly in the sun while the other was constantly in the shadow.

She told me it had to do with her disease that she got with her extraordinary powers.

If she didn't get enough sunlight she would slowly die.

However, if she did get enough sun she would not only stay younger and beautiful her power would also get a big boost.

Luckily for her, her skin does not get affected. ( no birthmarks)

She told me even though she doesn't need it she would like to stay in them because the next lesson was in the potions lab.

The potions lab was in a dark underground room.

She doesn't feel comfortable in small dark rooms.

I was so happy togged her as my friend.


Aww they became friends

Villainess on her way to destroy death flags.Where stories live. Discover now