Chapter 4

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Everyone reached village and held eachothers hand so that wouldn't get disappear in crowd. It looked like market place. 

Pratham (pulled Adi): Adi Adi Adi

Adi: What do you want now? Tell me without pulling my shirt. You may tore it, this is new one.

Pratham (making puppy face): ice pops!!

Boltu (excitedly): where is it?

Anu: I too want

Suhani: me too!!

Yuvi (hitting his forehead with his palm): for what purpose we came here and  what are they doing? It's our mistake only, we forget that they are nursery kids.

Anu (childishly): whatever you tell, I want ice pops. I won't move an inch from here, if you guys don't buy that for me.

Suhani, Pratham and Boltu: me too want.

Adi: ok, relax!! I will buy for you guys. Now come silently, without grabbing crowd attention.

Bela: okay, then you guys go, I will come after speak with that old man.

Mahir: okay!!

They went to near by ice cream vendor. In village we can't expect any variety of ice creams like in city but Ice pops will be there for sure. Mean while, Bela went to one old man.

Bela (greeted that man): Namaste dada ji

Old man: Namaste beta. Who are you? I have never seen you before here.

Bela (showed others to him): we all are coming from Mumbau. Actually our nani ma and nanu shree had visited one Shiv temple in this forest.  They told that temple had good effect on them. So, they directed us to visit that temple. But we don't know how to go? Do you know the way for that tempel dada ji?

Old man (his face changed into pale): Beta, there is no temple in that forest like you said. Better you all go to your hometown soon. No villagers are allowed to step into that forest. 

Bela: but I am sure there is a temple.

Old man: I am telling na. I am surviving in this village for 67 years. I never see any such temple in forest. so just go from here safely.

By saying that he left that place, glancing at their gang once. She went and joined others.

Bela (thinks): it's waste of time to ask villagers about the forest.

Mahir kissed her cheeks and gave her ice pop. She took that and started having that.

Anu: it's so long na, we had these kinds of ice pops, yet same taste.

Suhani: yes, there are so many new taste ice creams are in current market, but nothing can beat it's taste.

Anu: Yess!!

Adi: What happened Bela?

Yuvi: what did he tell?

Bela: no one in this village is going to tell about that haveli or temple. 

Mahir: this what we expected only na. Atleast, did he say anything about forest?

Bela: actually, no one from here never step into that village. It is clear from his talk.

Suhani: what are we going to do now?

Bela: let's go back to home and think about it. Yuvi, one more ice pop for me yar.

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