Chapter 24

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Mahir was walking in the direction which Vidurmani shows him. He got tired of walking for past 2 months. He didn't know the death of his love. He didn't know anything happening in his world. He didn't know that his best friend turned into his worst enemy. Being a human made his life so tough. He didn't even realise that Viraj follows him secretly.

Viraj's pov: for how long I should follow him, I am damn tired. Why don't I kill him and took that Vidurmani from him? Why I didn't get this idea before.

He hold Mahir by his tails suddenly, makes Mahir drop Vidurmani.

Mahir: Who the hell!!

He struggled to get out of his hold.

Viraj: Mahir, my old friend, relax. I will show you myself, don't struggle.

Mahir: Viraj!!

Viraj: You recognise me with my voice itself.

He came infront of Mahir. Mahir smiled seeing him and hugged him.

Mahir: Dude, you pulled my soul out of me. How you came this far? Also, what is this old friend means? Are you angry with me?

Viraj: Well... well... well...

He strangled Mahir's neck and before Mahir understand anything, his life got over.

Viraj: Died with mystery and suspense. Now this Vidurmani is mine, after finding Naagmani, i will take your powers into mine.

He laughed like hell and took Vidurmani. But it lost it's shine in his hands. He got confused seeing that. He tried whatever come in his mind, but nothing happened. He turned to Mahir's body which shrinks and disappeared.

Viraj: What the hell!! Why it is not working?

He went to his Naag world and asked his Naag Guru.

Naag Guru: It will work only in the hands of Maha Naagraj. Unfortunately, you killed him.

Viraj: what if I become Maha Naagraj? If I marry Ananya?

Naag Guru: Ananya is kid now. Before she grow up, your soul will get damaged.

Viraj: If I get Shiv Ji's boon, it won't happen right?

Naag Guru: for that you should do special yagna and pooja to make him happy.

Viraj: I will do then

Viraj started doing yaagna and pooja. Shiv ji's shadow appeared infront of him. Viraj folded his hands and greeted him.

Shiv ji: What boon you want?

Viraj: My sould shouldn't get damage at all. I should be immortal.

Shiv ji: All born souls should die. So, you will die only if you lust a girl.

Viraj: I won't lust any girl.

Shiv ji's shadow disappeared. Viraj face has Victory smile. After that, he stopped seeing girls, he secluded himself inside a cave. He started doing meditation to control his mind. Years passed, when he opened his eyes, Bela and Mahir rebirth happened. Time for his death also, which he didn't realise. Mahir born with duty to fulfill Bela's curse to Viraj that he should be killed by Mahir. As per Shiv ji's boon, he lust Bela and got killed by Mahir. Due to Vidurmani, Mahir got back his powers.


Mahir and Bela took their hands from painting and looked at eachother with tears of joy. Both embraced eachother.

Mahir: I was so stupid to believe him as my friend.

Bela: Mahir, that is our past. Now this is our present. We should live this. Also, you killed him. He is no more.

Voices: means return to home.

They turned to see their friends. Before these two react, they jumped on them and hugged them.

Boltu: Idiots!! Just left us.

Pratham: Pagals!! You guys understand us that much only.

Adi: hey, stop your melodramas. Mahir and Bela, we have another news.

Anu: yup!! Bela, you will be super happy.

Suhani: and Mahir, you will be in cloudnine.

Kuhu: okay, okay, not cloud nine, but will be super happy to have him with you, whenever you wish to stay in haveli.

Vish: Guess, he will stay in haveli only hereafter.

Vikrant: Haveli is just for sometime, cave is where he have to dwell.

Mahir: Guys, please. Explain us clearly.

Bela: And Yuvi, why are you silent unusually?

Yuvi ruffled his hairs: vo...

Mahir smiled and hugged Yuvi: Bela, he is blushing.

Bela: blushing... in sense... Ananya... are you both?

Ananya too blushed. Bela understands and hugged her.

Mahir: So, Yuvi, you are going to marry my Sali. Then, welcome to our Naag World. Not only Yuvi, you all are welcomed.

Adi: we are already here only.

Voices: If you are forgetting someone, look here.

Sumi and Gayu stands infront of them with face full of smile. Mahir and Bela hugged them.

Sumi: How dare you both left us!

Gayu: ok, I am not going to say anything. Because, already your friends might told.

Mahir: Sorrryyyy....

Bela: Sorrryyyyy....

Sumi: Bela, someone is waiting for you for long. You should meet that person.

Sumitra took Bela to her mom. Bela got emotional seeing her biological mom with tears. She looked at Sumi. She smiled and gestured her to go. She went and hugged her mom.

B. Mom: I am thanking that God numerous times for send you back to me. But, I promise you, I won't separate you from your mom. Because, I am selfish, I didn't search you out of the forest boundary thinking  Shiv ji's warning, but she came into forest despite the curse her family has in search of you. She is your real mom, i just carried you in womb.

Sumi: That is destiny, there is no mistake in yours. She is like Lord Krishna, born to you and grown with me, now it's time, I will give you to her.

Bela hugged Sumi and cried. Sumi wiped her tears, before Bela sees.

Naag Guru: Maha Naagrani and Maha Naagraj can live both in human world and Naag World. So, you both can see whenever you wish.

Sumitra smiled and kissed Bela's forehead. Bela hugged her tightly.

Mahir: So, we can live wherever we wish. But, have to do our duty properly.

Naag Guru: Yes, Your first ever duty is to find Naagmani.


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With Love Selsha💖

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