Chapter 8

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Ananya got mesmerized by Mahir and Bela and followed them till their home unknowingly. She was about to enter their house but came to sense hearing some noise of Naag. She changed herself into snake and hide inside flower pot and looked in the direction of the noise came. Her eyes spit angry fire seeing one snake poisoning the milk in the kitchen and came out and changed into man. She became half snake and crushed him in her tail with the rage in her eyes. She thre him with strong force on tree and hit him continuously with tail making him weak without even guving him bit chance to overpower her.

Ananya: aren't you ashame of being coward? You are black mark for Naag vansh. How dare you poison their food! You humiliated all Icchadari Naags infront of Shiv ji today. I won't spare you today.

She started hitting him continuously till he got bleeding and strangled his neck with force, making him suffocate.

Ananya: I know my poison can't kill you. But you are going to die in my hands.

Suddenly, she remembered about poisoned milk and others. She ran towards the house in hurry, leaving that Naag. He escaped meanwhile with heavy injuries.

Ananya (thinks): I should make the milk poison free before others have it. Maha Naagrani and Maha Naagraj won't get affect by poison. But others will get affect. I should save them.

As soon as Bela and Anu went out of the Kitchen, Ananya entered into kitchen through window in her Naagin form. Just then Suhani came inside to take Milk. Ananya got tensed and made flower pot fell because of her tails movement which was outside window. Suhani moved towards window to check what was the noise. Ananya used the opportunity and turned into small worm size snake and sucked the poison out of milk and hide behind vessels. Suhani saw cat on wall and thought that was the reason for flower pot to fell down and took milk and went out to others. Ananya sighed in relief.

Ananya (thinks): Thank God!! I saved them. But why he tried to poison them? Maha Naagrani and Maha Naagraj are with humans and he is a Naag. So, definitely, he shouldn't be relate to them directly. Whatever, as per Guru ji's words, Maha Naagrani Bela and Maha Naagraj Mahir are re-incarnated and I am the first one to see them. I should share this happy news with Vish di and Vikrant Jiju soon. Also, I am dam sure, my Shravani di will also come back soon as per Guru Ji's predictions.

Just then she heard the giggling and teasing voices from dining room. She looked through the window of Kitchen and saw girls feeding boys while Boltu and Yuvi exchanging glares at each other seeing the couples.

Bela: Mahir, I am telling na, you can't eat properly with this swollen hand. Already it might be painful. So, chup chap and have food.

She fed him food forcefully as he protested to have food from her hand, as he wanted her to have. Adi made Anu sat and fed her slowly due to his hand pain.

Anu: Adi, I can have myself. First, let me complete feeding you. Already, I am feeding you because you are in pain, then why are you stressing your hand more by feeding me.

Adi: Yeah, okay!!

He stopped feeding her and let her feed him remaining food. After completing food, Suhani made Pratham drink milk.

Pratham: Suhani, atleast let me have milk myself. I can hold glass.

Suhani: yes, I can see. Now, keep quiet and have it.

Mahir: Bela, enough for me. You have, Jaan.

Bela: Just bit, Mahir. Complete it na.

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