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(Santana Pov)

I'm known as a grade A bitch or blunt and etc, but in reality, Emotions suck. All they end up doing is getting you hurt. I choose to only show my somewhat of a nice side to my family and the glee members because they're also my family. However no matter how hard I tried, no matter how many times I have been able to succeed. She was the one that somehow managed to get close. Emily was the first girl I was in a serious relationship with and she broke my heart.

"Hey, can we talk," she says.

"Yeah babe, was up" I say.

"Santana, I cheated on you" she says with a Neutral face.

I furrow my eyebrows and tears start to form "why are you telling me this. Why did you do it" I say.

"Santana, we both know our relationship started going down hill after the first year. I've cheated on you multiple times, yet you were so love struck. Santana, I'm breaking up with you. Your just nothing new to me and I know I can do better. I think it's best if we don't keep in contact" she says while I'm still crying and looking down. She comes up to my ear and whispers" by the way, I'd be surprise if you ever get anyone again. Maybe if you weren't such a bitch, you would have someone" and with that she walked away.

I'm broken out of thought by Quinn walking into my room.

"Santana get dress were going out" she says as she grabs something for me to wear.

"I don't want to go out, I just wanna stay here" I say watching tv while wiping my eyes.

"Dammit Santana, Emily broke up with you two weeks ago and you haven't left the house unless it was to go to class. You barricaded yourself in the room and I haven't heard an insult from you in almost three weeks now" she says while trying to get to change my clothes.

"You don't understand Q, the one girl I actually open up to crushes me and I'm just suppose to act like it never happened" I say with pain laced throughout my voice and a tear stained cheek.

"No. Santana your talking to the queen of bad relationships. The gang is taking you out, to get you back to you. You fell down hard, but it's time to get back up. You have faced harder things and it's not gonna get better until you at least try to start coping without her" she says while watching for my rebuttal.

"What if I don't want to be me" I mutter while looking through her, instead of at her and know she could still hear the sentence I just had spoken.

"Santana, if you tell anyone I said this I'll punch you, but I hate the new and nice you. I loved insulting and bitchy Santana. She became a part of our own little family. Santana you can't let what someone thinks about your personality cloud your judgment. Fuck what Emily said because your family proudly accepts you" she says smiling and her eyebrows shoot up in anticipation of my response.

You know what she's right. I shouldn't let that bitch get to me. This is why I don't deal with feelings because I always end up getting hurt in the end. I try to hide my smile and sigh before looking down and speaking.

"Okay, tell everyone I'll be ready in 30 minutes" I say to Quinn, making her punch the air with her famous devilish smirk on deck. I laugh at her reaction and sigh. Time for a change.

( an hour later )

We enter the club and you can instantly see that's it's crowded. We overlook the audience and see everybody  in the corner. We head over to the table and they automatically give me the warm welcome back.

"Hey satan, long time no see" kurt says with Blaine by his side waving and I roll my eyes.

"Hi Santana, I actually missed you" Rachel says and I make a bite motion before telling her to bite me.

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