Aggravated Britt

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(Brittany's pov)

We head downstairs and I feel Santana's grip get tighter and tighter on my hand. When we get downstairs I see my mom, dad, Lily, and my two uncles and aunts and their kids running around.

After dinner and everyone started to settle down. We instantly get called over by my uncle and aunt. My cousin Melissa and David are over their also.
"Brittany, how are you" Uncle Sam says.

"I'm doing good. How is everyone" I say even though I don't care. You see, a lot of my family hate either my mom or dad. So they choose not to come. I love my parents and stick by their side.
"They're doing fine, who is this lovely lady" he says smiling from ear to ear.
"This is my girlfriend, Santana" I say to Uncle Sam and his wife.

"We'll she's beautiful and smart, she's a keeper Britt" he say and I smile and look at her until Roger interrupts us. He's my Cousin's boyfriend and I can't stand him. I love my cousin, but hate him and his ways.

"Hey britaany, how are you" he slurs, while coming near me and I grip Santana's hand as a reflex. I can see her look at me with worry out of the corner of my eye. So I squeeze her hand to tell her I'm okay.

"It's Brittany and I was doing fine until you showed your face" I muttered the last part, but I think Santana heard me. He turned to Santana and I instantly turned my hand into a fist. I watched him look her up and down as if she was meat and it made my blood run hot.
"You sure are pretty,do you have a boyfriend" he says to her right in front of my cousin but she just ignores it.
"No, do you" she says glaring at him. He tried to talk to her again, but I pulled Santana away before he could.
"GET BACK OVER HERE YOU BITCH, I KNOW YOU HEAR ME" he said and I lost my cool. I walked over to him, with anger in my eyes and punch him as hard as I could, straight In the face. He fell back out of the chair and I straddled him instantly punching him as hard as I could over and over again in the face. Someone grabbed me off of him and he was moaning in pain.
"YOU BITCH, YOU BROKE MY NOSE" he whined as the guys got him out.
"HEY ASSHOLE, you flirted with my girl in front of my cousin and CALLED MY GIRL A BITCH. You lucky I didn't break your whole motherfucking face" I say as he get put in the car to go to the hospital. After all the drama calmed down, I realized that I broke my hand and man it hurt like a bitch. Me and Santana go to another hospital and I go into surgery.

(2 hours later )

I wake up to a sleeping Santana and smile. she looks peaceful and I don't want to wake her. I try to get up quietly, but she has me pinned down, so I couldn't move. I try to lift my arm, but it's heavier than usual. I lift it to see a blue cast on my hand and half my forearm. Good thing I used my left and not my dominate hand. I feel Santana stir and as soon as she see me, she smiles a sleepy smile.

"Hey gorgeous, sleepy" I say to her as she wakes up.

"Yeah, but we got to get back to the house. I want to sing my song to you Brittany and in front of your parents. You and your parents need to realize how important you are to me.

"I know I'm important" I say frowning.

"Then why did you let that jackass get to you" she says and I try to think of what she was talking about.

"Because he was staring at you hard and I wanted to rip his fucking head off for it" I say annoyed.

"All he will ever be able to do is stare babe. But you get to......" she gets closer to my ear and whispers" stare or touch or kiss or lick" and then she licks the shell of my ear lobe and it sends chills down my body.

"Santana, I want you and I want you now" I say annoyed that I haven't had my girlfriend in three stupid days because of my parents.

"Babe it's 11, by the time we get home and I sing my song, it'll be 12 and then we sleep and leave and then, hello Miami" she says smiling.

"Fine, but tomorrow you have to let me do whatever I want to you" I say smirking as how I made a loop hole.
"Fine" she says and we go back to the house shortly after we sign some papers.

(20 minutes later)

We get to the house and they got everything set up for Santana to sing. she starts the music and I never heard of the song before, but I'm dying to hear it.

Sweet love, sweet love
Trapped in your love
I've opened up, unsure I can trust
My heart and I were buried in dust
Free me, free us
You're all I need when I'm holding you tight
If you walk away I will suffer tonight

She started out a little nervous, but now she sings beautifully.

I found a man I can trust
And boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can you see that I'm bound in chains?
I've finally found my way
I am bound to you
I am bound to you
So much, so young, I've faced on my own

Walls I built up became my home
I'm strong and I'm sure there's a fire in us

Sweet love, so pure
I catch my breath with just one beating heart
And I embrace myself, please don't tear this apart

She starts to cry and I didn't even realize, I was crying until I felt wetness on my check and wiped my eyes.

I found a man I can trust
And boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can't you see that I'm bound in chains?

I've finally found my way
I am bound to you
I am bound to
Suddenly the moment's here
I embrace my fears
All that I have been carrying all these years
Do I risk it all? Come this far just to fall?

She looks at me while she sings the last part and her eyes showed so much strength and pain at the same time.

I can trust and boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can you see that I'm bound in chains?
And finally found my way
I am bound to you
I am, ooh I am
I'm bound to you

She sings as she stares right into my soul and I now realize, how much she loves me

After my mom and dad and Lily talk off her head off for hours about it, I finally got her come upstairs. I went into the room and as soon as she shut the door, I pinned her against it and started to kiss her softly. Her lips felt so good and I never wanted this to end. I start moving my hands up under her shirt and moving my kisses down her neck and she stops me.

"We can't Britt, not till tomorrow" she says with a confused look. I want to laugh because she's even battling with herself weather she should do it or not. It reminds me of the first look she gave me, when we first met at the club. I wrapped my arm around her, because I heard asshole Emily talking trash about her and decided to step in and she gave me a confused look.

"I love you" I blurt out to Santana. I just realize how much we've been through and we're still standing. I can't imagine what life would be like without her and even though Santana has a hard way of telling me how she feels. Her singing was all I needed to know that we still have a connection.

"I love you too. Tomorrow should be a fun and happy day. We get to see the gang and we will be in Miami" she says and I just smile at her excitement.

"As long as I got you, I have all the happiness I need"

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