The Pierce Family

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(Santana's Pov)

After an excruciating ride on that God damn death trap, we finally got to Boston. I still can't believe I agreed to get on that thing, I hate planes. You always see in movies how they crash and burn.

Right now, I'm nervous as hell. We are on our way to Brittany's house and even though her mother seems nice and brittany she's okay with it. Not once did she want to bring up how she truly felt about gay people.

"Babe, were here" Brittany says pulling me out of thought. I look at her and her face goes from happy to worried in a second. I mouthed 'I'm okay' and put on a fake smile.

"Yay Britty, I miss mommy and daddy. Tana can meet them since she's your best friend" she says smiling.

I grab me and Brittany's bags at then head to the door. Brittany knocks on the door and I think 'here goes nothing'.

The door opens and who I assume to be Brittany's father opens the door. He haves a stern looking face. I start to get really nervous until he looks down and see Brittany, Lily and me. He instantly cracks into the biggest smile I've ever seen. Now I know who brittany gets her smile from.

"Hey baby girl, did you have fun with Brittany" he says to Lily as he hugs her.

"Yes,Daddy Britty and Tana took me to the zoo and to the park and a lot of other places. I had so so so so much fun" she says and then runs into the house.

"Hey Britt" he says and embraces her. They hug for a minute and I just remembered, she's been away from home for about two years. When they break apart, he notices me and smile and hugs me. I'm a little caught off guard but welcome warm embrace. I hate hugging, but I give exceptions for certain occasions.

"Hi, I'm Brittany's father, nice to finally meet you Santana" he says as we walk in the house.

"Like wise" I look around their house and it's a good size. The dining room and living room are both really nice and they have portraits and pics hanging all over the walls. We walk into the kitchen and a women looks up at me and smile. She looks like an older virgin of Brittany and she's very pretty. She walks over to me and hugs me.

"Nice to finally meet you Santana" she says as she looks me up and down and I instantly feel self conscious.

"Like wise" I mutter.

"How old are you" she says and looks at me as if she's waiting for an answer.

"I just turned 19" I say and just nods.

"So your the baby in the relationship" she says starring hard at me.

"Yeah" is all I can get out.

"Last question. Do you love her" she asks and then stared at me.

"I love her more than you'll ever know. I honestly can't say that I would be upbeat and happy like this, if it wasn't for Brittany" I say with tears in my eyes smiling at Brittany while she's doing the same thing. I feel something tugging on my pants and look down to see Lily crying.

"Why are you and Britty crying Tana. Your making me sad" she says with tears running down her face.

"No sweetheart, these are happy tears. Britty is a good girlfriend to me and she makes me happy and feel loved" I say squatting down. Brittany then squats down next to me.

"Hey baby girl don't cry, I'm crying happy tears because Tana makes me feel wanted out there in the real world"Brittany says and she frowns in confusion. "Remember your talk with Santana. You asked her why people treated me mean and why she was never gonna treat me badly" Brittany adds.

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