Do I love her

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(Santana's Pov)

"I need to be a big girl, so Tana will be My girlfriend" she says and I immediately start choking on the cookies.

"Lily, you can't have her, she's off limits" Brittany says a little harsher than intended. I think it's sweet, but how do you truly know who you like until you hit your teen years. Lily is 5 and a year ago, she couldn't even remember anything, so I think it'll pass.

"Fine, I'll just date a girl that is as pretty as Tana" she says. I try my hardest not to look at the pierces, dreading their reaction but I couldn't resist. I looked up and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Brittany father was trying hard to not laugh and Brittany's mother told Lily to date whoever she wants. I smile at that, because it shows me little bit that she stand with her word about supporting anyone's sexuality.

"Tana, can you sleep with me tonight" Lily asks as she crawls off of Brittany lap and onto mines. I look at Brittany and she's now upset and I instantly feel bad. I see her pouting and and can see out of the corner of my eye, her mother sees it to.

"I can't Date you Lily. I'm already dating this awesome girl, who happens to be your sister. You'll understand when you grow up that when you love someone, you would never leave them. No matter how cute their sister are" I say smiling now that Brittany's happy.

"So you can't sleep with me" she says softly.

"How about you come sleep with me and Britt in her room" I say and wait for an reaction. She scrunches her eye brow and nose and I can tell she's thinking.

"Okay" she says hugging me and Britt.

When we pull back, she lips sinks 'l love you' and I just wink.

We watch a kids movies and wait for Mrs. Pierce to be done with cooking. I look over to see Brittany and Lily talking about the movie. I always play that question everyone asks me in my head. 'do you love her'. I love her a lot and it's hard for me to explain how much I love this girl in front of me.

"Dinners ready" Mrs. Pierce yells.

We set up the table and get ready for dinner. I sit next to Britt and across from her parents.

"Santana, we got off on the wrong foot yesterday and I want to start over" she says and I just smile at that idea.

"Now, don't call me stupid, because I know you answered but I feel you left a lot out so I'm gonna ask you again. Do you love Brittany" she says and now all eyes are in me.

"I love her more than you'll ever know. I love her personality. I love her beauty. I love her laugh and her smile is my favorite part. I love her interaction with people and her positivity. I tried my hardest not to like her, but she gave me so many reasons to. she was their for me, when I needed help. she was their for me, when I didn't want help. She helped me see the past relationship I was in, wasn't a relationship. I thought I had it all, that is until Brittany showed in my life. She's the best thing that ever happen to me and it scares me in a way of how much I love her. I never felt this way before about anyone, so I'm scared but I rather be scared and have her, than to not have her at all" I say and look down to finish eating

"That was touching sweetheart and I give you permission to date my daughter" she says and I literally want to tackle her and thank her. Finally, I got permission from both parents.

"So, have you guys had sex yet" she says and I instantly start choking on food again.

"MOM" Brittany yells and the tilts her head to the side to say like 'really'.

"Sorry, just make sure if you do upstairs that you keep noises limited" she says nodding her head towards Lily.

"On that note, you guys should be heading up and resting for tomorrow. Santana you get to meet the rest of the family" she says and I start to get nervous. We walk upstairs and get ready for bed while talking about the speech. In so many words, she tells me she loves me too and that were 'soulmates'.

(Next morning)

I wake up to see an already awake Brittany. I look at her and I see happiness. I've been working on a favorite song of mine to sing to her and I think I want to sing it to her tonight.

"Merry Christmas babe" she says while giving me a kiss.

"Merry Christmas indeed" I say. The door immediately busts open.

"BRITTY AND TANA WAKE UP, ITS CHIRTMAS" Lily says while jumping on our bed.

"We're up munchkin" Brittany says and grabs her and we run downstairs. I thought their house looked beautiful on a regular day but on Christmas, their house look like something out of a Christmas movie. Theirs ribbons and lights hanging everywhere. Their stockings are on their chimney. Their fire place is making it all warm and toasty and it kinda feels like home.

We had a bunch of fun all day, the opening the presents the Christmas Pajamas and the movie marathon. But before I know it, it's 7 o'clock and her family is coming at 8. Me and Brittany climb the stairs to get dress. I take off my shirt and start to unsnap my bra when I start to feel kissed slowly dragging up my collar bone. I lean into the contact, but then lean right back out and turn around.

"No Britt, it feels wrong in your parents house. We got tomorrow at Miami to do that" I say why she ignores me and kisses all over my neck.

"Britt" I say trying to get her stop. But the truth is, I don't want her to stop.

"Britt I promise I'll pay you back tomorrow, if you get dressed right now, we only got an hour" I say.

"I only need 6 minutes with you" she says and winks. It goes straight to my center and my knees start to buckle..Brittany notices it and picks me up before I fall. She walks me over to the bed and walks toward the shower. After she showers, I get in the shower and start to get dress. It takes is a good 30 minutes to shower and to do hair and make up and get dress. When we're finally done, I'm wearing an all black dress, that's appropriate,light make up and curled my hair to get that full look. Brittany is wearing a blue night fitting dress, hair in a bun with big decorative earrings, and some blush and lip gloss. When we stand at the top of the steps, I can hear they're voices and my stomach drops.

"Well here goes nothing"

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