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Santana's Pov

I wake up to a thrashing movement and I instantly get up to see Brittany having a nightmare. I turn around and instantly start to coo her while stroking her hair in the process.

"Britt, shhhhh it's okay, your safe," I say as she starts to calm down. I start whispering sweet nothings into her ear and watch as her body starts to visibly relax. I watch her movement almost come all the way down, as her eyes start to open. I don't care, I still continue to stroke her hair as she continues to calm down.

"What were you dreaming about Brittany," I say as she spots me and smile. I can see the wheels turning inside her head and she gulps before speaking. She doesn't even make direct eye contact with me in the process.

"Nothing," she says subtly and starts to get up and I instantly watch her in anger but breath before speaking.

"Sit back down and tell me," I say in a serious tone. She thinks about it for a second and decides to sit back down. She sits against the headboard before looking at the wall and speaking.

" I live with my cousin David and his friends are always trying to touch me. A couple of days ago when we came from the club, his friend almost raped me and you know what he told his friend" she says while tears fall down her face. I grit my teeth and look at her with encouragement to confine on speaking.

"He told him, that I'm too dumb to actually know what's going on and that there's always the next time. I struggle in school Santana, not in common sense. But I have to go, I have to get ready for tomorrow" she says as she starts to get back up and grab her item from off the dresser.

"I'm coming with you," I say and she tries to hide it, but I see a smile appear on her face. On the way there I think about how pissed off I had become when I heard a guy tried to force themselves on Britt. It pisses me off that all her cousin did was hype up his boy. If he says anything offensive to Britt, I'm going to hurt him.
We finally arrive and there are two guys sitting on the porch. We act as if they aren't there and walk towards the porch anyway.

"Hey beautiful," the black guy says and I ignore him. I open the door and look at Britt to and mouth 'relax'. She takes a deep breath before I speak.

"Britt grabs all of your stuff and I'll wait out here for you," I say and she nods before entering and moving as quick as anyone can humanly possibly move. She takes about 15 minutes to pack up and takes a couple of photos.

As she walks out the door, David blocks off Britt and I push him out of the way and told Britt to get in the car and stay in no matter what. She gives me a look of uncertainty. However, I wink at her and tell her to go for me. She walks to the car and locks the doors. I know she's still watching from afar though and try to keep my calm.

"Hey listen, why don't you get Brittany and all three of us can go upstairs," Azimio says and I give off the fakest and loudest laugh as if to say he's told the funniest joke ever in the world. Then all of a sudden I stop and give them both a serious look. They look between each other before David opens his mouth to speak.

"No way man, you take my retarded cousin, I got JLO," he says and I flip. I knee him in the nuts and push him on the ground. I punch and punch and Punch and then I black out. Snixx is now in control and I'm no longer held responsible for what could potentially happen now.

(Hours later)

The next time I wake up, Im in a hospital bed. I try to get up but I feel discomfort. I try moving again to feel pain shoot throughout my body and scream bloody murder along with curse out a few of the staff. I demanded to see Patrick and the last nurse was smart enough to actually go and get him. It takes a minutes before I spot him, with a smirk on his face and I give off a fake chuckle.

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