Ex Marks The Spot

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(Brittany's Pov)

I wake up around 4pm to an empty bed and wonder where Santana is. I hear the shower running, so decide to go in there. I hear her singing the first song she's ever sung to me and I instantly think back to when she wanted to prove to my parents how much she loves me.

"I am terrified to love for the first time

Can't you see that I'm bound in chains?

I've finally found my way

I am bound to you

I am bound to

Suddenly the moment's here

I embrace my fears

All that I have been carrying all these

Do I risk it all? Come this far just to fall?

Fall" she sings beautifully while I walk into

the shower quietly.

Before she sings the next I gently touch her shoulder and she turns around startled. I look at her and see a scared Santana for the first time again.

"Hey, gorgeous" I say. Before she can respond, I put her against the wall and immediately start kissing her neck.

"Britt were suppose to be getting ready to go to the restaurant"she barley gets out.

"I think that we should at least have a quickie" I say, but she surprises me when she says, I thought you'd never ask and takes full control.

(2 hours later)

We're dressed and ready to go to this restaurant thing where it's an entertainment and a dinner, kinda like a show.Its like an luau. We get their and it takes my breath away. There's people everywhere, and the performances are doing pretty cool dances. it's starting to get dark so they're starting to light up the fire stick things. We get seated and start eating and talking about everything.

"So, how is everyone doing lately" Santana says eating.

"Can I say, that we're just lovely"Rachel says for her and Fin

"We've never been better" Tina says to Mike and kisses her.

"We're not officially together yet, but I feel like we were made for each other" Sam says while smiling dorky at Mercedes.

"We're doing awesome. I love my queen and I'm her bad ass king" Puck says to Quinn and then kisses her.

"Well as you know, me and Blaine are totally in love and we're doing so good that he might pop the question" he says that and Blaine starts choking and we all laugh while kurt glares at him.

"What about you guys" Quinn says while looking at me. I look over to Santana to see her head down and in her room plate.

"We're fine, why wouldn't we be" I say looking around the table and then to Santana.

"Because we all teased you and you went ape horny on Santana yesterday into this morning" Puck says and Santana instantly starts choking, while Quinn socks the shit out of him and everyone else gives him death glares.

"Listen you guys it's okay, i forgive everyone for what they said and me and Santana are getting back to what we use to be" I say forcing a smile. I look over to see Santana lightly crying.

"What's wrong babe" I say quietly.

She looks up to me with blood shot eyes and says "Brittany, I feel like there's still something wrong" she says and then gets up and walks away. I'm about to go after her when Quinn stops me.

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