Dominate Brittany

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(Santana's Pov)

I've had fun with Brittany today. when we got here this morning a lot went down about her cheating and I was stupid enough to believe everyone. I love Brittany and I want to show her how much I do. Today was a crazy yet needed day and a awesome way to start off the week in Miami.

We just walked into the door and see everyone is not in the living so I used this time as my advantage. I sit her on the couch and then straddle her.

"I had fun today. Thank you for doing all of this. I love you" I say as her hands rub up and down my back.

"I love you too" she says and lean into the kiss. What started out as a innocent kids quickly heated up into something more.

"Okay you two, get a room" they say and everyone makes little comments, but we ignore them and get more into it. They start playing around and saying whose more dominate and they all said that I am and that got Brittany's attention.

She stops kissing me and ask them to repeat that because she didn't think she hear what they said clearly.

"We all agreed that Santana is the dominant one in the relationship and probably will always be" Puck says in a rude way.

She gets upset by this and gets up and go upstairs to our room.

"Nice going asshole" I say to puck and chase after her. I get upstairs and see her changing her clothes.

"Britt.....what Puck said was out of line and he shouldn't have said that" I say as she changes.

"Do you think he's right" she says quietly.

"Well he's is right, but he didn't have to say it" I say quietly and man if looks could kill, I would be dead where I stand.

"So you don't think I could be dominant" she says calmly.

"I don't think you could get away with being dominant because you have that innocent type personality. Also just wanna say that you just lost your virginity three weeks ago , so there no way you even know how to be dominant" I say and regret it as soon as I say it.

"Britt in sorry, I didn't....."

"Yes you did or you wouldn't have said it. Truth hearts but I'm gonna prove you wrong" she says and lays down in bed. I decide to go to sleep as well and think of how I can make it up to Brittany.

(Next morning)

I woke up early around 7am to start my day and had a pretty good day with the guys. I started out with working out with Brittany and then catching lunch with the gang. We went to the beach for the day and got back home around 6 and ate and I decided to go take a nap. I woke up around 10:47 seeing a wide awake Brittany on the computer. Whatever she's watching, she has her eyes locked on. I get up to walk over to her and she sees that I'm awake and her eyes widen. She clicks on something and then immediately shuts the computer and I pout.

"What were you watching" I say.

(Brittany's Pov)

"Nothing" I say squirming. She looks me up and down and stops and double take my underwear. She starts to walk over to me and straddles my lap.

"Last chance to tell the truth, what were you watching" she says as she slides her hands down my back and set them in my lap.

I gulp harshly and say "nothing" I get up and lay down on the bed and place the computer on the night stand. I watch her as she climbs onto the bed and places her one leg between mines while laying her head on my chest..

"Really because if you were searching something, your hands would've been moving. If you were reading, your eyes would've been moving side to side on the screen. However they stayed still, meaning you were watching something. Remember Britt, you can only do so much on the computer" she says and then pushes into my center.

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