Why Quinn, Not Me

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(Santana's Pov)

"Santana the reason why I have been spending so much time with Quinn is because I wanted to do something by showing you how happy I am to be with you. A couple days ago, while we were on the plane, I thought about all that we've been through. Emily trying to come in between us, your hospital visit, my hospital visit, my mom, my cousin douche boyfriend, my sister coming unexpectedly, to little cute things. The Victoria secret trip, the club, my performance,me punching Puck and Emily and now Mike. We've been through so much and Brittana is endgame...." as she talks I do remember all of our incidents and smile at everything we been through. I love Brittany to the moon and back, and I could honestly see myself marrying this girl some day."but I can't do the surprise that I wanted to do. Me and Quinn spent almost a week on it and I can't believe that asshole ruined it" she says as she throws her phone against the wall.

I understand her anger because I'm angry too. Im now starting to realize when we were on the plane and she was talking on phone in private, it was because she was talking to Quinn. I get up and start pacing back and forth getting angrier and angrier realizing, if Mike and Puck would have just  kept it zipped like trouty mouth, I would be doing something amazing with Brittany right now. I look at the time and see its 4:30 and everyone is probably in the showers or laying down in the living room. Lately everyone has been showering earlier than normal so we can play drinking games or etc for the past few weeks.

"Santana, I'm gonna go talk to Quinn tell her it's off" she says and that's what makes me snap. I walk so hard that you can hear me thumping as I walk down the steps and I can see Puck and Mike go wide eye as I make my walk quicker and quicker.

"Before I kick your ass, tell me a reason I shouldn't" I say spewing venom in my words. I have three reasons. One they spreaded rumors that were false. Two, they made Me upset but more importantly, they made Brittany upset.

"Santana let us explain" Puck says and I Want him to say the wrong thing so I can hurt him.

"I didn't mean anything that I said about Brittany and you. I love you and Brittany like a sister and I swear On my life right now, I regret punching her if that would stop you from killing me right now" he says quickly with pleading eyes.

I look at boy Chang and he looks like he's bout to throw up.

"Okay boy Chang, you got three times to tell me why I shouldn't beat the shit out of you and Puck" I growl at him and see him visibly gulp.

"Well..I...ummm...I" he says and starts stuttering real bad, while Puck is death glaring him.

"Ding, wrong answer" I say taking a step closer.

"I'm sorry, so so so so sorry. This is all Pucks fault"

"DUDE!!!!" Puck yells.

"Ding, wrong answer and I believe you just used up three guesses" I say smirking as I walk closer to them.

"BRITTANY" Mike and Puck scream at the same time.

"What" she says annoyed as she walk through the front door in a leather jacket with sweats and a big T-shirt. I can smell her body wash from here, so I figured she's showered for the day.

"Get Santana, before she kills us please" Mile says quickly. I see her mood changes from annoyed to anger quickly and starts to walk up to Puck and Mike.

"I got a better fucking idea, why don't I kill her, for you. One more day, one simple more day and I would have about....(looks at her watch)" 3 hours ago been where we needed to be, but tweedle dee and dumb had to go blabbing their mouth about something that was none of your GOD DAMN BUSINESS" She says and screams her lungs out on the last part.  I expect her to swing but she walks outside instead. I follow her out to the car and she hops in obviously still pissed. I get in the car and turn to her.

"Get out" she growls and it kinda scares me how mad she is but I'm not gonna let her push me away.

"No" I say and put on my seat belt. before I know it the engine roars to life and she starts driving. I look at her and all I see is anger and pain and sadness. I wanna cheer her up, but it never got to a point where she has been this upset so all I can do is be there for her. I fell asleep after about an hour into the ride.

(An hour an a half later)

I hear mumbling and whispers, but try to block it out. I then hear the car door open and close and I fall back to sleep. I gently feel someone lift me up and I try to push them away.

"San, it's me Britt" she says and I willingly lift up and rubs my eyes while she starts to walk away. I look up and out of the car to see her standing near a picnic set on the beach. she's wearing a white shirt ruffled on the end dress with black combat boots and a leather jacket. she's wearing light make up and her hair down and wavy like I have mines. I'm speechless and totally shocked. I get out of the car and she pulls me into a hug.

"Surprise babe" she says.

"How... but..when...huh. I'm so confused on everything. I thought Puck and Mike ruined the 'surprise" I say looking into her shining blue eyes.

"No, I knew one of them would blow it, so I added that to me and Quinn's plan. They knew everything that was gonna happen, well everything except me punching them" she says.

I think about everything and then punch her lightly.

"Ow haha, what was that for" she says rubbing where I punched.

"You planned puck punching you in the face. you planned telling me about the surprise. you plan getting screamed at by Puck and you were so angry all the time, how did you do it,  and what happen to your phone" I say as I start eating.

"I planned everything out, because  I know how to get you upset or happy or angry or annoyed. I've dated you long enough and been around long enough to know what makes you tick and I used that for my advantage. I got Rachel and Quinn to come here before us to set up and while you were trying to kill puck and Mike, I used that time to get dress and then throw some sweats on. but enough about that and let's enjoy our date. I used a fake phone and threw it as hard as I could because I acted as if it was my cousins douche of a boyfriend touching you. The anger was just acting. I knew that if I did this, you would follow me and then you get your dream date" she says while we lay down and get comfortable enough to watch the sunset.

"Britt" I say.

"Yeah, San"

"I love you to the moon and back" I say looking up at her.

"Right back at you gorgeous" she says and winks.

We stay there for I don't know how long and just talk and talk and talk. it's starts about 8:00 and really dark where we are. We pack up and head back to the car and I think about all the trouble Brittany been through in order for this to happen.

"Can we go to the carnival" I said and she turned to me and smile.

"I thought you never ask"

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