'Cheater Cheater Pumkin Eater'

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(Brittany Pov)

"Brittany, are you cheating on Santana" Mike says. Before I could answer, he walked out and told Puck and Sam that I was cheating on Santana.

"You Bitch, your the biggest hypocrite I know" puck says as everyone gather around us. Except Santana, since she's sleep and Quinn's upstairs keeping an eye on her." Your going around here saying to keep my hands off of Santana, when your turning right around and putting your hands on my girl" he says and before I could react, he punched me square in the nose." That's for Santana, and for touching my girl Quinn. Out of all the girls in the house, I know she's hot but she's my girl. Where is Quinn anyway. QUINN" he screams throughout the house.

"You asshole, my nose it bleeding" I scream and I grabbed on to it for dear life to stop the bleeding.

"What's going on here" Quinn says as her and Santana break through everyone to get to me.

I look over to see anger oozing off of puck and fire is in his eyes. I wince as I'm reminded I have a bruised nose because of Mike and walk over to him quickly before anyone could stop me and kick him as hard as I could in the nuts and punched him straight in the face.

"That's for running your mouth, Asshole"I yell at him while he's in fettle position and then try to walk away but puck grabs me.

"Not so fast Princess, you cheated on Santana. Speaking of, why are you cheating on me with Brittany. I thought you were straight" he says and turns to Quinn.

Quinn looks at puck and her face goes from confused to angry and she starts to walk quickly over to puck like I did minutes ago to mike. I say a couple things in her ears to calm her down and then she gives puck the finger while walking back over to Santana.

"Is that true Quinn. Did you and Brittany cheat on me and Puck" Santana says with a blank and dark expression. It scares me how calm and quiet she's being. She looks over to me for a hot second before looking straight into Quinn's soul.I close my eyes to stop myself from crying because I'm starting to get upset at how everyone thinks I would cheat on Santana.

"No, me and Brittany aren't a thing. One your an asshole for blabbing your mouth, when it wasn't your decision to who found out...." she says yelling at Mike while he looks down in guilt. "Second your an ass for putting your hands on Brittany, who I may add is a GIRL and for screaming at her........" she screams with anger at puck. "Last, Santana.." She says calmly and looks down. She takes a second before she looks back up and stare hard into her eyes as if she's searching for the truth."Now you know that Brittany would never cheat on you, so why are you believing dumb and dumber over here" she says while holding both of her hands.

Santana sadly smiles at Quinn and I see the hurt and pain that was in her eyes, the day I first met her. You can see her brown eyes shining through tears and for the first time you can see that she's scared, but of what?

"Everyone get out, NOW" I say in a deep growl and everyone instantly leaves except Quinn and Santana. Before Puck can leave I grab his arm and say 'Not so fast Princess, you made my girl cry so you get to now stay and watch what you did' I growl the last part. I look into Pucks eye and I see him looking at Santana as like a lost puppy. I can feel the guilt and shame radiating off him and he knows that he was wrong. He turns back to me and I can see him trying to apologize with his eyes. I look over to see Santana in a daze with tears running down her face. How could something so small escalate to making my baby girl cry.

"Ow Brittany, your squeezing my arm" puck mumbles and I get pissed off. I give him the most violent look, I ever could imagine and squeeze harder.

"You don't have a right to feel pain, you jackass...."

"Brittany don't" Quinn try's to say but I cut her off.

"No, you first go blabbing your mouth around how I was cheating on my girl.Then you go punch me in the nose. You not only try to call me out, but called your girlfriend a cheater too" I say getting angrier by the second."You don't deserve Quinn, she deserves someone better who would treat her right and TRUST HER" I scream the last everyone started coming back into the house and acting as if they weren't listening.

"Santana, why do you think I would cheat on you"

She looks me straight into my eyes and we're both tear eyed by now and I can't take it anymore. I need to tell her the truth after she tells me what she has to say "I don't know brittany, it's like I've always been cheated on and put down and made to feel like nothing by Emily. I felt like shit and that love would never come. I felt like I waste my life on even thinking about that kind of stuff until you came along. You treated me right and you respected me and loved me, like no other. you make me know the feeling of truly loving a person and I love you to the moon and back. Its just that I've been cheated on so much and I've been treated like dirt so many times that I kinda expect it to happen sometime soon" she says looking down.

I lift her chin up and look into her eyes for anything and I see hope. When she was giving the speech about me showing her how to love.

"Santana, I must be retarted before I would ever and I mean ever cheat on you. Your the best thing that ever happen to me and nothing can change that" I say and make my as Santana call it 'mega watt smile'

"Then why are you and Quinn so god damn close" Puck interferes again and I snap.



I take Santana upstairs and see her shaking a little. When we get to the room, I sit her on the bed and bend down to get to her level.

Before i can speak she says "Brittany, I'm scared of what you have to say. I never loved someone as strongly as I loved you" she says and I sigh. If only she know the truth, she know she's making a big deal out of nothin but I think she's cute when she's nervous.

"Santana(sigh), the reason I've been with Quinn so much lately is because.....

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