Chapter 8

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Jason's POV

"so.. Why is everyone here stressed and running everywhere?"
I asked Julia. One of the servants in the mansion.
"the boss's daughter arrived here two days ago and her birthday is in three days. He wants to celebrate it with a very big party"
She said while stirring the sticky thing in the bowl.

Wait what! He has a daughter!

"yeah.. She is so kind.. Unlike him or his wife she's an angel"
She said smiling.

"hey Jason the boss needs you.. Now"
I looked behind me to see an emotionless Noah.
I walked with him to the living room where I saw Justin holding a crying.. MOM!

Once I said that I was about to run to her when Noah stopped me with the help of three other men. I tried to kick and hit. I tried to yell at him to leave her. But he didn't move.

They brought me to the boss. He was sitting on the couch smirking. I looked at him in hatred. Not my mom!!

"Jason! Who are these??"
She said while crying. That brought a huge rock on my chest. I knew exactly what is happening now. He is punishing me. I kicked more. I yelled more.

"start now boys"
The boss said with another damn smirk. Noah looked at me and mouthed sorry. Then and all of a sudden he punched me. I bent down from the pain in my stomach. Then another guy punched my face. I tried to fight but they were four.

"stop fighting them.. Take your punishment like a good boy"
The boss's calm words increased my anger even more. I tried to fight more. I tried to take Justin away from mom. I didn't care that everyone was watching. Nearly the whole mansion.

Then the boss looked at Justin giving him a permission to..


I couldn't take it anymore. My whole body hurts. Seeing my mother like that and not having the ability to save her hurts more
I screamed my lungs out after I heard her beggings. I wanted to cry so badly. But never. I never cry. One of them punched my abs. Again. And I screamed in pain. My eyes began to get blurry and I was at the edge of losing my consciousness. I tried not to. I can't faint and leave mom with them alone. I don't know what he is planning to do to force me to kill that girl. I heard a gasp. I didn't care whose that was because I thought it is one of the girls'.

I heard that very familiar voice. I squeezed my eyes shut wishing it is not her. Then I decided to look. My sweet angel. My Rosalie. My poor innocent Rosalie. I looked at her eyes. Desperately. For the first time she's seeing me week.

Maybe I hoped for a miracle to stop all that but of course I didn't mean her.

"back to your room.. NOW"
The boss said in anger. Her eyes left mine and she glared at him back. This is the first time I see someone looking at him in the eyes for more Than five seconds. This is the first time I see someone rejecting his order with this courage. Not even his brother can do this. She proves me everyday that she's not weak as I thought.

Then Mrs Elizabeth and Mrs Tessa tried to take her away but no. She was brave enough to stand against the almighty Hamer family.

"dad.. He's my friend.. You can't do that to him"
What the actual hell? Dad!! She's the boss's daughter!! That's.. Really strange. I mean I thought her parents are dead.
And she just said that I am her friend. That is even more strange. She never saw me as a friend. And the weirdest thing is that she's trying to save me.

I looked at the boss. Shit. He's angry. Like really angry. Hell. He thinks I became her friend to use her. I didn't even know she is his daughter.
"No please.. It is not like that I swear. Let me explain"
I told him panicking. He'll kill me. He got a gun and pointed it me. I squeezed my eyes shut.

At this instant moment I wished I could make up for the people I hurt. I wished I could apologize for dad. He was always great but I was ungrateful. I wanted to tell my mom how much I am sorry. I am sorry she had to worry about me every night I won't return home. Everyday she asked me if I was okay and I told her It wasn't her business. Every moment she had to spend taking care of me herself when I was sick. She could have just bring me the medicine. But no. She stayed there. Watching my every move.

I wanted to tell Peter and Grayson that they are the greatest friends in the world. That I am sorry I sometimes become bossy. That I appreciate every single time they were her for me. To thank them for being them.

And I don't want to start on what to tell Rosalie before I die.

I opened my eyes to see her back. She stood against him. Again. For me.
"take them to the dungeons.. Rosalie and I need to have a small talk"
He said sternly. Now I am worried and wondering what he  will do to her.

Noah, Justin and others took us there. I didn't have the energy to fight back. I let them.

"sorry man.. You know we didn't wanna do that"
Justin said while closing the dungeon. I rolled my eyes.
"just do it Jason.. Ask for his forgiveness and kill the girl.. It'll save a lot"
Noah said trying to help me.
"I can't.. She's five.. I have never killed"
I said trying to catch my breath. I feel horrible. Mentally and physically.
They both said in unison.

May be they are right. I have to do that. It's her or mom. I looked at a crying mom. I felt sorry. She's not going to forgive me.

"hey.. Calm down mom.. I swear I will get us out of here"
She looked at me in anger. Tears rolling down her face.
"tell me now.. Who those people are"
"I can't tell you right now. But I will do on the right time."
I said trying to be as gentle as possible although I wanted to punch anyone right now.

She just rolled her eyes and sighed.
"what should we do now?"

Rosalie's POV

After two hours I was in jhonas room. Sitting on the bed. Watching my very furious cousin walking back and forth in the room.
"why should I help him.. He's a jerk"
He said yelling. I flinched. I know he wants to kill both of us.

After I gave up on dad. I decided to go to jhonas. I told him everything happened. And he asked me how I knew him. I told him that he's my ex. And he became an angry volcano once he knew Jason cheated on me.

I rolled my eyes and huffed.
"he's my friend now"
Jhonas glared at me daring me to say that again.
"please Jhon.. You have to help him.. Just help him for me okay?"
I took slow steps towards me and when he was right in front of me. He took out his gun.
He pulled the trigger
"just for you"

I swallowed knowing it'll not be that easy.

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