Chapter Two

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Jason's POV

"hey guys"
Peter greeted us. Me and Grayson. We just nodded and he lit a cigarette to smoke with us.

Me, Jason Black, aka "king" am the best and hottest guy you will ever see. I am super handsome. Black hair and blue eyes. Very good abs and body. And the king of New York high school. Believe it or not you don't want to mess with me.

I am 17 years old. I am the son of the wealthiest man in town. And I am super cool. My dad is always traveling so we don't really have this father son bond. To be honest. I don't care. I still have mom and she's the best person alive.

Peter Allen and Grayson Ryder are my best friends since first year in middle school. They are the only ones that can live with my short-temper and stubbornness.

As I light the third cigarette I saw her. Rosalie Hamer. The prettiest, cutest, and kindest girl i have ever seen. The best part is that she is mine. The worst part is that she hates me. Well she has every right to.

Four years ago I wanted to be her boyfriend and she rejected me. I couldn't believe it. That was the first and last time anyone has ever said no to me. I didn't know what to do. So I just raped her. Don't ask me how I could rape someone at the age of 13. I just could. But that wasn't enough. I still wanted her. After a year I apologized and tried to get closer. I knew exactly how I would make her forgive me. 'I was drunk. I was angry. I am really sorry' I kept saying that for almost a year. And finally she became my girlfriend. After that I thought that I will finally live happily with her in my life but no. I cheated. I cheated on her with her friend Michelle. Michelle moved out after that.

You probably think I am a jerk. Yea I maybe am a jerk but it's non of your business so keep reading without judging me.

I couldn't leave her. It's like a magnet. So I am trying to get back. I made a rule at school that I will kill any guy glancing at her. I had to fight like five guys and put them in the hospital for trying to talk to my property. My Rosalie. I know this time I will never apologize. I won't let her know I regret it. So it's either me or no one. I can't bear seeing her with anyone.

As she walked she glanced at me and we made eye contact. She looked away in the same second. I smiled and sighed. I began to walk to her.

"king.. Where are you going?"
I looked at Grayson and shrugged
"I wanna talk to her"
And with that I left ignoring their weird looks.

Once she heard my voice she sped walking.
"Rosalie stop"
She began running
"I said STOP"
I said as I grabbed her arm. Once she looked at me I saw her tears. It broke my heart that she doesn't want to talk to me.
"what do you want?"
She said trying to pull away from my grip which annoyed me more and I tightened my grip on her arm
"who was at your place yesterday?"
She winced which made me loosen the grip a little.
" It is not your business and stop watching me.. Stop please it hurts"
Oh.. Please don't do that.
"I will stop but I swear if you run I will lock you in my car till the end of the day"
She nodded and I left her arm and crossed my arms
"now tell me.. Who was that?"
"he is my cousin"
She said in fear and tried to move her arm. Looks like I broke it. Great.
"let me see"
She panicked and backed two steps. I noticed she has difficulty in breathing.
"N.. N.. No please. It will.. Will be better as long as yo.. you stay away"
I couldn't say anything more. I wanted to hug her and say that I was angry and I am sorry. I couldn't.
She looked at me for two seconds and then she ran away.. From me..

"hey babe"
I felt arms around my shoulder and I glanced at my girlfriend.
I said bored. She kissed my cheek and began talking but I couldn't care less about what she was saying. All I can think about is Rosalie. Did I break her arm?

This small weak arm. Don't act like that Jason you freaking broke her soul twice.

"Jason? Do you hear me?"
Victoria snapped me out of my thoughts. I wanted to tell her to leave and that I am not in the mood. But before I could say that the bell rang and I used it as an excuse to go away. I wanted to Check on Rosalie.

So this is janson and his view. What do you think. They should end up together again?

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