Chapter 4

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Jason's POV

"please Jason I wanna come with you.. I am your girlfriend"
Victoria said stubbornly. This girl can be a handful sometimes. Rosalie would never do that.
"you are not coming anywhere"
"but Jason.."
"no buts Vic. And stop talking for five seconds"
I said frustrated. I will kill Grayson for telling her we are going to a party.

You would think why the hell can't she come. I will tell you. She will stick to my side and I wouldn't be able to finish any work and the boss will kill me. No not fire me he will literally kill me.

We were at her house since her parents are out for the whole week. We had a nice night. I needed a distraction from what happened with Rosalie. And it didn't really work.

She crossed her arms and just sat on the couch with me.
I poured a cup of brandy for me.
"want one?"
I began to drink my brandy because I really don't give a shit if she's sad because she can't come to a party with me.

"I won't go to school today"
She said as if I will ask her why.

I took my bag and went out. Drove my black Ferrari to school, and parked next to the familiar blue BMW and the red jeep. Jumping out of my car I greeted my two best friends and then glared at Grayson.

"why the hell did you tell Victoria about the party next week?"
He smirked took a bite from his Chocolate.
"to annoy you"
"you fu-"

I got a text and looked at my phone. My eyes widened in horror.

Boss ~ don't test me kid.. I know you didn't kill his daughter.. It is her or your mother.

"what is it?"
Peter said frowning and I kicked Grayson's jeep in anger
"he found out I didn't kill the girl.. He said it is her or mom"
I said worried and frustrated. I ran my hand through my hair and then down my face.

What the hell should I do? I can't kill. Gosh I am seventeen. Why couldn't he just ask anyone of his men. Why me? Yeah of course because I need to learn how to be heartless during work.

Mom.. He said it's her or mom. Did he kidnap her!!!
I opened my phone to call her and thank God she responded.
"hey mom"
I said sighing in relief.
"hey honey.. Is everything okay?"
She said and even if I can't see her I can feel the frown on her face.
"yeah.. I just wanted to check on you.. You okay?"
She said hesitating
"okay.. Bye then"

I sighed again. How the hell should I kill a little 5 years old girl. I am still an underage!!

Then my eyes landed on her. She looked so pretty. Her clothes were so simple. Just a Jeans and a dark blue hoodie. I do really think she's pretty and cute in something that is not revealing. Wow. This girl is really different. My smile appears automatically when she looked at me.

"Man.. She's hot"
I looked at Peter and frowned. I know he doesn't mean Rosalie.
I asked in confusion.
"he means cow girl"
Grayson said with a chuckle.

Most people used to call Zoey that in middle school. Not too soon after, she began to get angry and beat the shit out of anybody annoying her. She even slapped..

"what? Do you need another slap or what?"
We both laughed when Peter said that. Greyson just rolled his eyes.

"why the hell do you like her. Man, I would never think of her even as a one night stand"
Greyson said still looking at them.
"but I do really like her. Not as a one night stand. As a girlfriend maybe? I don't know yet. I just want her in my life"
"well.. The great Peter Allen has just come crazy"

I chuckled and looked again at Rosalie. I wanna talk to her so bad but I just decided to do that after school.

Rosalie's POV

I woke up feeling terrible. I decided to bath. But once I got in the tub with the warm water I forgot all about school. I smiled from the feeling of warm water on my body. I stayed there for God knows how long without thinking of anything. And suddenly I remembered that I have to go to school.

I mumbled knowing I am already late. I got up and put a towel around my body. And went to my room running and hoping that jhonas wouldn't see me like that.

I arrived my room safely and opened my wardrobe taking the first thing I can see. A white jeans with a dark blue hoodie.

"late as always"
Said jhonas amused by my hurrying.
"shut up.. Don't you have school too?"
"not in the mood"
I rolled my eyes and smiled. I took an apple and sped walking to the bus stop.

"God Rosalie.. Why are always late?"
Zoey said once I met them at school gate.
"don't really know.. Maybe it's something in my genes"
"or maybe having no brain makes you unable to adjust time?"
Ashley said and they both started laughing. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

We walked together to the building and on our way I saw Jason. He looked really stressed. But when he saw me he smiled and then looked at Peter again.

" they are so stupid"
"yeah.. Obviously they are talking about us"
I looked at the girls. And shrugged
"as if it is new to them"

I looked at the voice and I saw him. God no please not again. Not you Owen. I don't wanna you hurt again

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