Chapter 15

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Rosalie's POV

So. Here I am. Dancing and drinking. With a guy I barely know. And having fun.

I can't believe I am doing this. My heart beats are beating rapidly. Like really rapidly. My hair is flying around. Like every strand of my hair is screaming. Screaming in my face to let them free forever. Sweat dripping of everybody around but I don't feel it. The open area and the cool breeze struggling to cool my body is all I can feel.

Have you ever felt like that? When you close your eyes and imagine you're flying. Flying high and away from all your problems. Like nothing can ever ruin your happiness. The first time of anything. The first time to feel this unfamiliar feeling. The first time to get rid of all the negative energy in your body. The first time to be free.

His voice trying to yell over the music snapped me out of my happy thoughts. I ignored him and kept dancing. Then I felt a hand around my waist.

Flash back
School is a place where you get to know yourself. Educate and learn. And socialize. But for me. It was always just educate, spend time with Ashley and Zoey, and run away from Jason.

So. Last year was the same. At the end of the day I moved as fast as I can so he won't see me. But. Unfortunately. He did.

Once I locked my eyes with his. I began to move faster. And as usual he chased me. Got ahold of my arm. And began to boss me.

"Why are you running like this. Are you okay?"
He asked me trying to sound concerned. But I know it is all fake.
"Away from you"
I said feeling the tears beginning to gather in my eyes.
"whatever. I will drive you"
"It's not an offer"

And with that he wrapped a hand on my waist and started to move. While I pathetically followed his lead. With teary eyes.
End flash back

But this hand was different. It wasn't violent. It was caring. They both are protecting but the hand surrounding my waist now is more loving and gentle. Yes. This is the word I am searching for. Gentle.

I whined over the music. I didn't want to go. This was fun.

His magic like chuckle sent shivers throughout my body. What was his name again? God. I really drank a lot. I felt him moving and moving my body with him. I followed his lead too. But this time I don't have to. I just want to. We walked out of the crowd.

I looked at the guy and frowned. Then smirked. He looks handsome. He's really hot.

"why are you laughing?"
He asked amused. That's when I realized I was laughing. But I am too stupid and high to stop.

"because I want to"
I said and wrapped my arms on his nick.
" you are a mess when you're drunk."
He said laughing more. But he didn't put his hands on my waist again. God. He makes me want to remain drunk forever.

"oh babe. You don't know how messy I can be"

"oh. Maybe one day I will"
With the goddamned wink.

Then I felt myself being picked up. Placed in a car. And the guy started to drive. I am tired of calling him 'the guy'

"what was your name again?"
He laughed. Ugh. I need to sleep. I closed my eyes and the last voice I heard was.

I open my eyes with a smile already formed on my lips. I have never slept like this. I feel comfortable and protected. Apart from the headache I feel perfect. I try to stand but the hands embracing me prevent me from doing so. Hands!!!

I looked at the person sleeping beside me. His curly hair and and peaceful face. Oh my. His stable breath and its rythm. His warm breath and his. WHAT!!

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