Chapter 16

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Rosalie's POV

Ash~ why the hell don't you answer my texts

Me~ sorry ash. Been really busy with having fun.

Ash~ yeah. Any cute boys?

Me~yup. I think I like him. I mean it has been two weeks and he really makes me feel happy. No thing like Jason. You know

Ash~ ofc I do. What does he look like?

Me~ he has those chocolate brown eyes which make you stare at them for God knows how long. And he has a very good physique. And I won't even start talking about his perfect personality.

Ash~ you are so deeply in love😂

Me~ I am not. It's just a small crush.😅

Ash~ you wish.

I smiled and locked my phone. I have been secretly responding to my two best friends since yesterday.

"hey. Drakaina. Wanna do something fun?"
I sighed. I never liked that nickname actually. But it did made me feel special.
"like what?"
I asked Tom smile spreading all over my face from hearing his voice.
"like this"

Once he said that he snatched my phone from my hand. And ran.
I said running after him. Nobody takes my phone!

We kept running and he kept making fun of me and how short and slow I am. God he is just a few inches taller than me. Then he started running at the edge of the pool. Yes you guessed right. My foot has to slip and I had to land in the pool. In midnight.

Once he saw me he burst into laughter.
"okay. Stop it's not even that funny"
"Believe me baby. It was"
He said wiping away a tear that has fallen from his laughter.

"come and take my hand"
I said rolling my eyes. He chuckled again and gave me his hand. I actually didn't pull him to the pool. I came out still smiling and then I pushed him but not before taking my phone.

"Hey. That's not fair!"
He said pouting. Oh my God he's so cute.
"life is not fair"
I said and laughed.

Third person POV

While she was having the best time of her life. While she was knowing the true meaning of love for the first time. While she was laughing like never before. While her heart was beating happily.

Somewhere else. Somebody was having the worst week he could ever live.

"please no. Please"
He pleaded. Tears rolling down his cheeks. Handcuffed and frozen in his place. Watching his mother being turtored. Not caring that everybody was watching. He just wanted his mother safe. The only family he has. And all of that is because of him.

"Now you are crying like a baby? How does it feel huh?"
The new second in command said. Smirking. Then he gave the poor old woman another whip. Her screams fell the dungeons again.

"TELL MEEEE. How does it feel when you know someone you love dearly is being turtored like that. And you are too weak to do anything. This is the exact feeling I felt when I knew what you did to my sister. Even after you raped her. She was kind enough to give you a second chance. And how did you thank her? You cheated. You broke her heart twice"
He finished his talking and gave her another whip.

The sight was too heartbreaking. It was like none of them has a heart. No one regrets what he has done. Not jhonas and not the woman.

But Jason?

He never regretted anything but hurting the love of his life. It was hard enough for him that she hates him. Now. His mother hates him too. He's not even sure he will get the chance to make it up for any of them.

Jason didn't know what to do. He felt so weak. He felt that he deserved all of this. But his mother? No she didn't. Her one and only fault was that she gave birth to someone like him.

He hated jhonas. He swore he will kill him.

"boss. The great boss wants to see you"
Somebody came running from outside.
"shit. Does he know anything?"
Jhonas said slightly afraid. He promised Rosalie he wouldn't tell anybody.
"no he doesn't"
Jhonas sighed in relief. He told him to go away and that he will be there in a minute.

"sorry guys. I have to leave. I wanted to watch the most funny part."
Once he said that. Jason looked at him in horror. He knew exactly what jhonas meant.

" have fun with the meat boys"
With that he left laughing. And then. One of the men stood in front of her and began to tear her clothes up.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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