Chapter 19

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Third person POV

It all happened in the same time.

Rosalie came to her home running and hoping she's not too late. Tom running after her not wanting to leave the one he loves by herself. Jhonas running to the dungeons. A special dungeon. Jason cleaning his mother's wounds.

Jhonas ran to the very special dungeon where the poor boy was cleaning his mother. And once they saw him. Both their eyes widened. He looked so angry. The rage was obvious in his eyes. The hatred was shown in his features. They both knew this wasn't going to end really well.

Jhonas stepped forward towards the woman.

Rosalie ran like her life depends on it.

Jhonas shoved the really weak Jason away. Got a gun from his pocket and pointed it at him.

Rosalie finally reached the stairs.

Screamed the tied up mother. She was witnessing her one and only son getting killed. And she could not protect him because of some damned cuffs.

Rosalie getting her heels off because she can't climb up the stairs fast. She heard the scream. She knew she didn't have time to get the other shoe off. So she climbed up the rest of the stairs with a bare foot and a six enches heel.

Jhonas still pointing the gun at the wide eyed Jason. Ignoring the woman's pleads to stop. To kill her instead of him.

Rosalie is hearing the pleads. She knows what is coming after that. No. She can't get Jason killed because of her. She prays for God like never before. Asking for more time. Finally she reaches the dungeons area. She only has to follow the voice.

Jason is still looking at the gun with wide eyes. Jhonas is still pointing the gun. Thinking. What If death is so fast for him. But he doesn't care. All he can see right now is Ashley's betrayal.


Rosalie screamed and ran faster. Tears already forming in her eyes. Jason can't die. Especially not now.

He looked next to him. To see an out of breath Rosalie. When she looked at the sight. She sighed in relief.

He finally felt the tears coming out of his eyes.
"she. She betrayed us Rose."
Rose couldn't bear seeing her cousin in all this pain. She knows he doesn't mean Jason's mother. He wouldn't be this hurt because of her. She walked slowly towards him. Hugged him. And he cried like never before. He can't believe he has to kill the love of his life.

Jason blinked. Twice. Is he alive? His question was answered once he looked at his mother's body. Her lifeless body. He was so weak that he just fainted. But the last thing he saw was his lovely girl approaching him.

It's been three days. Rosalie took the best care of Jason. She fed him and made him sleep in her room. Tom didn't really like it. He wanted to kill Jason too bad. But if that's what she wants to do. Then so be it.

Jhonas told Rosalie everything he knew about Ashley. She was shocked and hurt. The girl she considered a sister was planning to kill her. She didn't know what to do either. But she decided to stay strong for her cousin. He had been always there for her. And now. It is her turn.

Two days left before the weekend. Two days left before they would have to face Ashley.

"you still wouldn't talk to me?"
Rosalie asked her raper. He looked at her eyes. But before he can say anything. A scoff was heard.

They both looked at the pissed Tom. Rosalie rolled her eyes and looked at Jason once again.

"it's ironic you know. You are the one who wants to talk to me now"

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