Moving in

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Jade's POV

I woke up to someone speaking. I was confused because I was only with Demi. Then I realised it was Demi. She was sleep talking. I listened to what she was saying and I think she was dreaming about me.

"Jade you can't do that!"

"Jade harder."

"Faster Jade, faster baby."

"Jade, Jade I love you baby!"

Just wait till she wakes up.

I decided to go get a shower after last night. I might go to my house later and sleep there tonight I've not been home for a while and I wouldn't be surprised if Demi was sick of the sight of me. I was taking my make up off and cleaning my face. I got in the shower then I felt two arms wrap around my waist. It was Demi.

"I was missing you." she said stroking my tummy.

"Well it sounded like you were enjoying my company in your dream." I giggled to myself.

"What are you on about beautiful?" she said a little nervous.

"Let me have a shower then I'll tell you."

Demi's POV

What if I was sleep talking about the dirty dream I had about Jade. What if she listened to it all. I'll be so embarrassed. I hope she heard me talking about her moving in because I don't know how to ask her.

I heard the bathroom door open and Jade's footsteps. I hid under the covers, but I had no clothes on so this could go wrong. I can hear her walking around. She started singing give your heart a break. She's so cute. I started to giggle and I think she noticed because she went quiet.

"Boo!" She screamed whilst pulling the covers off me.

"Jade no I'm naked." I said whilst laughing and trying to get the covers.

"I can see you're naked Dems." she said whilst biting her lip and standing up. She took her clothes off and climbed in the other side of the bed.

"So Dems what was your dream about?" She asked as she smirked.

"You." I replied.


"It's embarrassing Jade. Especially the fact you heard what I was saying." I said whilst hiding my face in the pillows.

"I only heard you screaming my name then saying you loved me. After that I got up and had a shower.

"I do need to ask you something important Jade. You can say no because you might think it's to soon." I said as I turned over.

"What is it beautiful?"

"I was thinking would you possibly want to move in with me?"

"Um YES Demi!"

" Good. I thought you would've said no."

"Oh Demetria."

Jade's POV

Me and Demi went around mine to get my stuff. We went to my room. I think it's going to be weird for her because my room is full of her.

We walked into my room and she just sat down.

"Hey my number one lovatic." she giggled.

"Oh god Demi."

"What are you taking around first babe?" she asked pulling me onto her knee.

"Well I've got one box for clothes and another for random things." I said before kissing her and getting up.

"Ok well I'll sort you clothes out and you sort you ransoms out." she said before smacking my bum.

"Ok baby." I said as I smiled like an idiot.

Demi's POV

I was going through Jade's draws and found some sexy underwear. I put them in my pocket and carried on packing her clothes.

"Right I'm done Dems."

"Ok. In just putting the rest of your clothes in the box."

I noticed a book and I thought it might be special so I grabbed it for Jade.

It's been a few hours now and me and Jade are now living together. We are eating our dinner and Jade suddenly gets up and goes upstairs. I just left her for a few minutes and when I was about to get up she cones downstairs.

"Demi I'm sorry I got up and left without saying anything. I know it sound stupid, but when I went to your meet and greet, I was meant to give you this book. It's basically explaining all the things that I love about you. You have to read one everyday, but you don't have to cus I know it's stupid, but it's true, I do love you. With all of my heart."

"I love you with all of my heart too little one."

Jade fell asleep in bed next to me. I couldn't get to sleep so I decided to read one of the things she wrote.

'In the book'

So I know you probably think I'm strange for writing a book like this, but I just wanted you to know I love you. I know you get this from most of your fans, but you saved my life. And I'm not just saying that if it's wasn't for your music, your smile, your eyes, your personality, your heart and YOU I wouldn't be standing here today. You literally make me the happiest person alive.

No you saved me and you make me the happiest person alive..." I wiped my tears and kissed her sleeps. After that I can fall asleep with her in my arms and be happy. I haven't been happy for along time. So things are defiantly worth waiting for.

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