We are over!

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Demi's POV

This morning I woke up with Jade asleep next to me. I woke up around 6am because I went to bed really early, but I don't think Jade will be getting up just yet. I decided to check twitter and retweet a few of my fans and creep on a few of their "Lesbian for Demi" accounts and then something caught my eye. "Demi Lovato's wife caught cheating?" At first I was like this isn't true, but then I went on the website and the pictures were very accurate. I started tearing up, but not because I was angry but because I was upset. I don't know if I believe it, but the pictures are very accurate.

At this point I don't know what to do with myself. I decided I wanted a walk. I must of been lost in my thoughts because I didn't even ring anyone to say where I was going so anything could of hppened to me. I left Jade a little note that said, "Dear Jade, I've gone on a walk to clear my head be back later. I won't be long. xo."

I honestly can't do this anymore. That's all that was going through my head. I don't want to leave her, but I can't live like this. I'm going to have to break up with her. This is going to be so difficult because even the littlest arguments upset me, but telling my wife we are over is going to be hard.

Jade's POV

I noticed that Demi's phone was still open and what I saw on the screen really upset me. People had cut Demi out of the picture and replaced it with a man I don't even know. I then realised that Demi had been looking at them and she's not here now. I started to worry. Where is she. What if she leaves me. She can't honestly leave me. I'm so scared.

I finally got up and got dressed. I didn't bother with any make up because what's the point because I am probably just going to cry when Demi get's home. We were ment to be putting up the decorations up together, but I don't think that's going to happen.

I heard the door open and I didn't know what to do so I got up slowly and walked to the door.

"Hi baby." I said pulling her into a hug and kissing her lips.

She didn't say anything she just kissed me back and sighed. Soon after she got a drink and ran upstairs. I left her for a bit because I didn't want to get in the way. I just sat in front of the fire crying. I can't do this anymore, I need to speak to her. I headed upstairs.

"Demi?" I said knocking on the door and wiping my tears away.

"What?" She said harshly.

"Are you ok babe?" I said crying even more.

"Don't call me that and go away." She said as she broke down in tears.

"Oh ok. I'll be downstairs if you want me." I said holding back my tears.

All I heard was her breaking down and her knees hitting the floor. I don't understand why she believes this. She said nothing like this gets her down, but obviously she belives it. My life is completley over. I'm finished...

Demi's POV

I just sat on our bed crying my eyes out at the thought of my amazing, beautiful, perfect wife cheating on me. I know I shouldn't, but I believe it. I will have to go down to Jade and say something, but I can't in this state. I love her so much, but I am hurting so much. This is it. We are finished. Forever...

I opened the bedroom door and straight away I could hear her sobbing. It broke me inside to the point where I ran back in the bedroom and slid down the back of the door crying. I knew that if I didn't go and speak to her now I would never do it.

I walked back out and looked down into the living room and she wasn't there. I walked down stairs, crying at the thought of what I am about to say. Here I go.

"Jade?" I shouted, but not to loud.

"Yeah Dems?" It broke me when she said that. Do I really want to do this? She's helped me so much, but I can't do this.

"Can you come out here a sec?" I said sitting down and chucking my head into my hands.

"Yeah, one second." She said.

"What's wrong Dems." She said sitting down next to me.

"Us. I can't do this anymore." I said trying to hold everything back.

"What do you mean?" She said and I could see that I just broke her heart.

"You've been cheating. I knew no one could ever love me, but it's fine because I am used to getting ditched. I don't know who the person is, but I hope they love you forever and keep you safe, but I can't be with someone who just shattered my heart into a million pieces because a heart can't be fixed straight away and I'm never going to be fixed. I really thought you were the one Jade. I love you so much and wish you the best with your life, but we are over. I'm so sorry little one." I said getting up.

"Demi I haven't cheated. I promise you. I couldn't cheat on you because no one will ever come as close to you. I love you so much and you are my world. I can't live without you Dems." She said dropping to her knees and crying her eyes out.

"I'm sorry Jade, but please just go. I can't live with you if you are going to cheat on me. Please just go." I said walking in the kitchen before breaking down.

Jade went upstairs to get her stuff. I really do love her, but I can't live with her if she's cheated on me. I hate seeing her upset and I wish her the best with everything, but I just cant do this.

"Demi I'm going." She shouted and her voice cracked because she was still crying.

"Right Jade I love you so much and I really do wish you the best with everything. I am going to miss you so much but I'm not going to delete your number or anything I just think we should go our seperate ways. Ok beautiful?" I said grabbing her face and kissing her with so much passion.

"I love you and I'm relly going to miss you baby..." She said leaving and then she put something on the tabel and left. I looked at what she left and it was the book full of messages she wrote and was ment to give me in meet and greet.

I stood there crying as I watched her walk away. I put the book close to my chest and just cried.

"I love you so much Jade." I whispered looking at the book.

~2 hours later~

Jade's POV

I'm back in my old house. I was just sitting on my bed remebering every single thing we did together. I've just lost the one thing that was keeping me alive. I suppose this is the end for me. My life saver has gone and I'm just that broken girl again.

I tweeted, "Just had to let go of the most important, inspiring person in my whole life. And I've lost them because of jealous people who destroy lives. Well you've won because I'm gone..."

Once I tweeted that Demi tweeted, "Sometime's you have to let go of people you love the most, but I havent really let go cus they are still with me deep down."

I'm already missing her. I walked into the bathroom and started cutting my wrists. I just want to die. She was my everything and stupid rumours have brought me to this.

Demi's POV

She's gone. Ive killed her I know what she's like. She told me so many times that I saved her life and watching her grow has made me realise how much she needs me. I can't do anything she's gone and it's all my fault...


So guys it's finished. I cried so much writing this. I am writing a sequal and I promise the other will be a lot better and will be a lot more interesting. I love you guys and I cant thank you all enough for how much support u have give me. Thank you once again.

Erin xoxo

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