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Lauren's pov

After I came home I talked to Amy about what happened when I went to the grocery store. We laughed about the situation with Dani and later about me walking into y/n. I thought about telling Amy about the possible feelings I have for y/n.

I know that it's too soon to know what I feel exactly but I feel like we're meant to be something. She's funny and caring, a little childish and really, really beautiful.

"Laur!" I heard Amy shout, she waved her hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked and pushed her hand away.

"I'm talking to you and you're just smiling and looking at the fridge. What are you thinking about?" she said a little annoyed. I sighed and laid my head facing down on the kitchen counter.

"It's nothing important" I moved my head to the side and looked at my older sister. "What were you saying?"

Amy shook her head and smiled. "Tell me more about that girl. She seems fun, like someone you would like"

"What?" I shot my head up and I sat up straight. "What do you mean?" I asked with a cough. Amy looked at me confused.

"Like you two would be great friends. She's like one of your old friends from California. Umm I don't remember her name but you used to hang out with her a lot"

"Ohh Victoria" I said and went back to the same position I was before.

"Yeah her!" My sister smiled and went back to doing her friendship bracelets.

Y/n is a little bit like her, but she won't hurt me like Victoria did. She used me and betrayed me. I was so stupid back then. We haven't talked in almost 4 years and I'm happy about that. Let's hope that y/n won't be the same.

I sat up straight and looked around. Amy was busy making bracelets and watching The Robinson for like the millionth time. I sighed and reached to grab my phone from my backpocket, but it wasn't there.

"Hey Amy" she looked up at me "have you seen my phone?" she shook her head no.

I started looking for it in the kitchen, later in the living room and it was nowhere! I decided to look for it in my car. I found it in the trunk. I must have left it here when I was talking with y/n.

I tried to turn my phone on but it was dead. "Dang it!" I got out of my car and walked back home. Amy was doing the same things she did before I left, she didn't even realize that I was gone. I shook my head and started heading to my room to charge my phone.

I closed the door and jumped on my bed. Today was exhausting but also fun. I plugged my phone in and waited for it to start charging. I decided to take a shower and clean up from the coffee that was still on my shirt and hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror in my bathroom. What do people see in me? I have so many fans and everyday I see the tweets and comments about how beautiful I am, about how much people like me and appreciate me. But is it true? Will y/n think the same about me?

I took a deep breath.

"It's ok Lauren. She is different than her. Y/n won't hurt you. She probably likes you too, not in a fake way. Don't worry about what happened before, because it won't happen again. You're not as desperate and stupid as 4 years ago. Try to keep everything with y/n real. You need a friend that cares about you not because of your career, but because of who you are."

I said this to myself in the mirror. A tear rolled down my cheek. I took couple more deep breaths and started taking off my clothes to get into the shower and finally get the smell of coffee off of me.

After a relaxing, hot shower and my night routine, I went back to my room and checked my phone. It turned on and already had 32% charged.

I opened the main screen and saw that I had some notifications. I checked my iMessages and saw two messages from an unknown number.

*some number* hi

*some number* it's y/n, we met today if you don't remember lol

Oh I forgot that I gave her my number, and OMG she texted me!! But what should I text back? I don't want to seem creepy and text her something stupid. And I don't want to be mean and just leave her on read.

I type out some options but nothing was good enough to send. Ugh! Why is texting her so hard. I need to try but not too hard. I still don't know her that well and if she likes me or whatever.

I changed her name in my phone to "Y/n🤷‍♀️💙" and I started thinking about what to text back.

"Ok Lauren, she's a friend. Text her the truth and just go with the flow"

Me: hi, sorry that I didn't reply. got busy with my sister

I threw my phone on the end of my bed and I fell back onto my bed. Maybe she'll think that I don't care or just ugh!!! Stupid anxiety!

"She will text back. Think positive" I said to myself and heard my message ringtone. I sat up and grabbed my phone. And there was a message from y/n.

Y/n🤷‍♀️💙: it's ok hahaha

I smiled to myself as I read her text. I immediately typed out another message to keep the conversation going.

Me: so what's up?

We texted for couple hours until I realized that it's almost midnight. I lost track of time just by talking with her. It didn't feel fair for both of us that I had to go to sleep but I have a lot of work in the morning.

We stopped texting but I couldn't stop thinking about her. She's so interesting and even though we were just texting I felt like she actually listened to me. Like she actually cares. I think that I really like her, more than just a friend.

But it's still weird for me. Recently I started thinking about all the relationship stuff and just love in general. And maybe I'm meant to end up with a girl. I haven't told anyone about my thoughts because I know that they will react to it in a wrong way.

But I don't think that they can change my mind. Maybe I'll fall in love with a girl, no one knows what will happen. But this evening was amazing!

I'm so happy that I became friends with y/n/n.

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