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Y/n's pov

My legs are nervously shaking. I looked around the swimming pool area and Lauren's not here yet and I'm kinda scared. There are other people here and I'm really scared that she won't come. I've never been in this part of the neighborhood.

I'm still in my clothes with my black swimsuit underneath but I'm nervous. Lauren said she'll be here at 5 and it's already 5! I looked down at my backpack to see if everything is still there. And thank God I'm so clingy to my things.

I laid down on one of many beach chairs that surrounded the pool. I never thought that Lauren is this type of person that's late to places. The sun was really irritating me so I decided to take off the t-shirt I wore over my swimsuit.

"Looking good" I heard someone say. I thought that it was just some creep catcalling me but when I turned around I was Laur walking over to me.

"You look better" I smiled as she reached me. We quickly hugged, which was really surprising to me because I'm not the biggest fan of being touched by people.

"So what's up?" Lauren asked as she set down her things next to my stuff.

"Um we can sunbathe or like we can go swimming or you can do whatever" I laughed and scratched the back of my neck. Laur giggled and started taking off her clothes that covered her pink one piece swimsuit.

"C'mon take off your shorts" she laughed and I did what she told me too. Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me near the water. She kicked off her Crocs and jumped into the water.

I looked at her kinda shocked. Lauren came back up from under the water, she put her wet hair into a messy bun and she smiled at me, probably waiting for me to do the same.

"That was cool" I laughed and Lauren lightly blushed. She wiggled her eyebrows at me and swam a little still waiting.

"I know! You should do something more cool" she winked at me. I really hate swimming, I'm basically scared of big pools so I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I ASK HER TO GO SWIMMING WITH ME! (personally I love swimming lol)

I took a deep breath and I took off my shoes. I backed up a little. I nodded my head with a big smile. Lauren started cheering for me as I slowly run towards the pool's edge (don't run around swimming pools, it's dangerous)
and I cannonballed in.

"Oh my God" I heard Lauren scream as I came back up from under the water. "Why did you do that? I'm all wet!" She said with a frown, but I know that she was hiding a smile.

"You wanted something cool" I laughed and splashed her with water. "And you're already wet so it doesn't matter"

Lauren swam around me as I tried to not drown. I haven't been in a place bigger than a bathtub in 6 years so I'm not sure if I can swim.

"Wanna race?" Laur asked as she splashed me with water. I smiled and slowly swam closer to her. I placed my hands on her waist and came closer to her face.

I felt how fast Lauren's breathing got shaky. She closed her eyes as I whispered to her. "You're going to lose"

I don't know where all this confidence came from but in that moment I wanted Lauren to be impressed by the way I talk to her and touch her.
She chuckled and placed her hands on my shoulders, it got us even closer to each other.

"We will see" she whispered back and pushed me under the water. She started swimming to the other end of the pool. I tried to swim behind her but it was for nothing. She jumped out of the pool and sat at the edge.

"Loser!" Lauren laughed. I stopped in front of her, I was still in the water when I got an idea.

"You cheated!" I pouted and Lauren giggled. This was my chance. I grabbed both of her ankles and pulled her back into the water. She screamed and tried splashing me with water but I came out of the pool and quickly went back to where we left our things.

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