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Y/n's pov

I woke up to the sound of light knocking on the door. I checked my phone and it was 7am. I sighed loudly and sat up in the mattress.

"Come in" I said and the door opened revealing Lauren. She walked towards me with a cupcake in her hand. "What's that for?" I asked.

"It's your birthday" Lauren smiled "did you forget?"

"Oh I guess so" I checked my phone and it really is my birthday, it's June 28th. I looked at Lauren and smiled. "Thanks for remembering"

"Of course! This is an important day!" Lauren hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Here, a birthday cupcake"

"Thank you" I smiled and took a bite of the cupcake. Lauren put her arm around my shoulders and she rested her head on mine.

"So do you have any plans for today?" Lauren asked and took a bite of my cupcake. I gasped and Lauren laughed and covered her month with her hand. "What? Did something happen?"

"I'll get you back on that!" I laughed "and no, I have to finish the room and like maybe I can help you guys around the house to pay for letting me stay here?"

"You can pay in different ways" Lauren winked "but maybe we can talk about it later" she laughed.

"I thought that a good and Catholic girl like you couldn't have such a dirty mind" I laughed and Lauren blushed.

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises" she kissed me deeply. "You taste like a chocolate chip cupcake" she laughed.

"Really? I wonder what you taste like" I smirk and just as I was about to kiss Lauren her sister Amy came to the room.

"Happy birthday y/n/n!!!" She jumped on the bed and hugged me.

"Thanks Amy" I hugged her back. She pulled away and took out something from her pocket.

"I made this for you yesterday" she gave me a handmade bracelet that said 'yeet'. "You're a part of the fam now"

"Thank you! I love it" I laughed and Lauren helped me put it on. Amy smiled and nodded.

"Breakfast is ready btw" Amy smiled as she walked out of the room and I looked at Lauren confused.

"Who says 'btw'? It's 2019!" I said and she started laughing.

"Change and join us for breakfast" Lauren patted my back and left my room.

I laid back down on my bed. I can't believe that it's already my birthday. Brooke didn't even text me and every year she used to wake me up at midnight just to be the first person to wish me happy birthday.

Life is going to be different now. She's not my sister anymore, not after what she did. Maybe I should let Lauren's sisters talk with her but not now. I want to celebrate today! Tomorrow I'll pay my sister a visit and I'll bring some guests.

I changed my clothes and I went downstairs. Amy and Lauren were talking and eating breakfast. A plate of scrambled eggs was already waiting for me. I sat across the table from Amy and next to Lauren.

"How did you sleep? I hope that it's not too cold for you because I'm not changing the thermostat" Amy laughed and I shook my head.

"It's perfect actually! I'm a fan of cold weather" I smiled and Amy nodded.

"It's always too cold for Lauren" she laughed again and Laur looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm always complaining because my room is downstairs and it's always colder here than upstairs!" Lauren pouted.

"So what are you guys doing today?" I changed the topic of our conversation. Lauren took a bite of the food and Amy look a long sip of her orange juice.

"No answers?" I asked and Lauren still chewed her food but Amy just stared at Lauren. "Amy?"

"Um I have to go buy some things for the new video!" She said quickly and Lauren slowly nodded her head.

"And I have to make a track for a new cover and later I will start arranging harmonies to help Lisa" she said slowly but she didn't take her eyes off Amy.

"Ok.... I'll set up the bed frame and I'll jump to the store to buy some clothing racks" I said and both of the girls slowly nodded, they were still looking at each other.

"Why do you need racks? The dresser in your room is huge!" Amy finally looked at me.

"But I need to hang some clothes too" I said and she nodded.

"Maybe Lauren can go with you!?" Amy said and quickly stood up.

"Why? I can go alone" I laughed and Amy exchanged looks with Lauren.

"No! I'll go with you!" Lauren said " you shouldn't be carrying heavy objects alone!"

"Ok, but what about your wor-" I tried to say something but Lauren stopped me.

"Great! Let's go to the store!" Lauren grabbed my hand and pulled my out of the kitchen.


I updated early omg haha

hope that you liked the chapter and I think that I won't stop at 20 chapters, maybe I'll write more

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