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Lauren's pov

"Thanks again guys" y/n said as she closed the back of her truck. Me, Lisa and Amy are helping her with bringing everything inside. We decided, Christina made us decide, that she'll stay in the empty room upstairs.

"Yeah of course! You and Lauren wouldn't even bring one box upstairs with me" Lisa said and she did an over the shoulder hair flip.

"You don't even have hair for a hair flip" Amy started laughing at our older sister. Lisa furrowed her eyebrows.

"Hold this for me" she placed the box she was holding in top of the one I was carrying and chased after Amy.

Me and y/n laughed. Y/n took one of the boxes from me and we walked upstairs to her new room.

"Your room is exactly above mine" I laughed and placed the last box on the floor. Y/n looked around the room. It wasn't the biggest room but it was cozy. Couple weeks ago I started redoing this room.

Mike helped me with carrying a mattress into this room. I also hung up some decorations and build an IKEA dresser and bedside table.

"It needs some more work but I hope that it will feel like home" I placed my arm over y/n's shoulders and she smiled.

"For now it's perfect!" Y/n kissed my cheek and I heard someone making a gagging noise.

"That's gross!! No kissing or touching till your first born is going to have a 7th child!" Lisa pushed me and y/n apart.

"That made no sense" I said and Amy bursted our laughing.

"Your face doesn't make sense" Lisa mocked me and I just shook my head.

"So unpacking" y/n said and clapped her hands to get our attention. "What are we doing first?"

"Um don't you need like a bed?" Amy said and Lise nodded.

"Right, but we can get it later. There's a lot of stuff to get out off the boxes"

"Maybe you and Laur can unpack clothes and me and Amy will go to IKEA or somewhere to get you a bed frame?" Lisa suggested and Amy backed her up with quick nodding.

"Sure but now this will-"

"Great! See you in couple hours!" Amy said and both of the girls run out of the room.

"Take longer" y/n finished and nodded my head couple times "they're gone" she sighed.

I laughed and patted her back "this will be a total disaster but you'll get used to it"

"I hope" y/n/n laughed and we got to work.

I decided that I will take care of her clothes. Y/n took care of the more heavy lifting things like setting up her art supplies and not finished paintings. She organized boxes with books and other things. I really didn't never took a look at everything she was doing.

Her clothes on the other hand we're interesting. She had three boxes of all the clothes. Two were labeled "cool" and one "trashy".

"Hey, why is this box "trashy"?" I asked and y/n shrugged.

"My style changed and I just don't wear this clothes as much" she said without looking at me.

"Can I take some of them?"

"Yeah sure! If you like something take it and maybe your sisters will want some too. I almost never wore this shirts and dresses" y/n walked over to me and pulled a beautiful floral dress out of the box.

"This one is beautiful!" I said when she handed it to me.

"Yeah, my mom gave it to me on my graduation day. I haven't worn it since" y/n lightly chuckled.

"I bet that you looked perfect" I smiled at her and she shrugged. "Try it on"

"No" y/n laughed "I don't wear dresses"

"But I want to see" I said in a cute, childish tone and I fake pouted. Y/n rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Where can I change?" She took the dress and looked around the room.

"You can here" I smiled and y/n looked at me surprised. "What? I'm your girlfriend and I saw you without a shirt before"

Y/n shook her head and took off her shirt. She put on the dress and later she took off her pants. And let me tell you, she looked beautiful. I was speechless.

"I look stupid, I know" she was about to take off the dress but I quickly stood up from the floor and grabbed her hand.

"You look amazing" I smiled "I'm speechless, you... just... are.... wow" I said and stepped back to see her entire body.

"Really?" Y/n blushed and I nodded. "People usually made fun of me when I wore dresses"

"Those people were total jerks! And you have the most beautiful body I have ever seen" I bit my lip and looked up and down her body.

"Because of those people I started working out and that's why I look like that now"

"You probably didn't have to do that but working out is great for health" I smiled and y/n chuckled.

"Do you want to help me with getting out of this dress?" Y/n asked with a smirk.

"With pleasure" I winked at her.

I pulled down the zipper and brought my lips to hers. We kissed and when I was about to take off the rest of the dress I heard the front door open.

"We're back!!" I heard Amy yell loudly.

"We got the bed and food!" Lisa yelled "but y'all need to get it from the car!! Chinese food is really heavy!"


Happy 10 years of Cimorelli ❤️💙💛

next chapter should be up on Wednesday but I think that the book will end at 20 chapters.

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