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Y/n's pov

I'm really happy that my hang out with Lauren turned into a date. And we even kissed. I can't believe that she made the first move. Ok, the situation we were in kinda asked for a beautiful kiss, just like in those cringy romance movies, but I feel like what's happening between Lauren and I is real. It's something I can't explain because I never felt something like this before.

I think that I just love her.

When I got back home my sister was preparing our dining table for 6 people. I sighed and walked to my room without saying a word to her.

"Y/n go change to something nice, put some makeup on and come here. The guests will be here in 30 minutes" Brooke said to me with a smirk.

And then I knew that something is wrong. She never smirks, unless she is lying or doing something bad.

"No, I ate already. I'll just stay in my room. Don't worry about me" I smiled at her and started walking to room.

"I don't care if you ate, I want you to meet some people. Go get ready and be down here in 20 minutes" my sister said and turned around to continue what she was doing before.

I didn't have the power to argue with her so I went to my room to change but before that I texted Lauren but she didn't reply. I waited couple minutes but then I realized that she might still be driving.

I really didn't want to have dinner with my sister and her friends but I had to listen to her. I went to my bathroom to change from the clothes I wore to the swimming pool and of course my still wet swimsuit.

I put on some black ripped jeans and a simple black t-shirt, that I tucked into my pants. Why all black? Because you can never go wrong with it.
I didn't care about makeup or doing my hair, so I just brushed them and put into a ponytail.

I walked downstairs and already heard some voices.

"Let's get this over with" I said to myself and tried to be nice to all the co-workers my sister invited. She invited over some of her close friends I already knew but there was a one person I didn't know.

"Y/n! You're finally done" Brooke said with a smile as I finished my walk on the stairs. I smiled back and nodded.

I didn't even bother to say my hellos to the people that came here. I just sat down behind the table and listened to their conversations. It was boring. Most things that they talked about were work related. Brooke sat across from me, I caught her staring at me couple times. She did this weird head tilt to tell me to start a conversation with someone.

I didn't care about her so I just sat there, with my arms crossed. But Brooke had a different plan.

"So Nate, you haven't met my sister yet and she's not talkative so I'll introduce her" my sister smiled and that Nate guy looked at me. He flashed me a big smile and reached out to shook my hand.

"Hi I'm Nate, I'm new in the company your sister works for" he seemed nice, like he meant well. I accepted his handshake.

"I'm y/n" I said and in the corner of my eye I saw Brooke smile.

"Nate is an intern at our company and he's your age. His dad is the owner" Brooke said proudly.

This whole situation seemed suspicious. And I know what she was doing. She invited all her friends, 3 girls and this one new guy.

I didn't try to keep a conversation with Nate, I let him go on and on about the plan his dad has for him. Occasionally he asked me some questions about my life and when I told him about my painting career, he laughed and said that it can only be a hobby.

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