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I finished this chapter from 377 words to 1573 words in like 30 minutes so I probably blacked out and just wrote. If something seems weird idk what happened

Y/n's pov

I woke up earlier than usual. It's almost 7am and I'm sitting behind my kitchen table with my phone in my hand. I won't text Lauren yet because it's too early and the post office isn't open till 9am.

My sister isn't even up yet so I have literally nothing to do. I decided that I'll be a responsible adult today and I'll take care of the house. For only two girls living here it's always a total mess.

I played some quiet music, not to wake up my sister, and I started cleaning the kitchen, later the living room, my "art" room and then hall way. Most of the mess is my fault because Brooke is almost never home. She works a lot to give me a "normal" life. She feels responsible for our parents' divorce. At the beginning I felt the same but I realized that it's not our fault. They had problems.

Brooke always looked after me and I really appreciate that but she thinks that she has to replace our parents for me. I'm almost 20 and she's only 4 years older than me and she works an office job full time, she pays for everything because she wants me to save everything I make by selling my paintings to pay for college so I won't have a debt.

I don't know what I would do without her.

I finished sweeping the floor and looked around the now much cleaner kitchen.

"One down, only three more to go" I said to myself and started cleaning again. Time past by slowly. I tried to do everything nicely so Brooke will be surprised that I can do something else than just being mess.

It was around 7:30am when I finished. Wow, being an adult sucks. I cleaned for like 40 minutes and I'm exhausted. I decided to make breakfast for me and my sister.

I checked the fridge and there was literally nothing. Just some eggs, milk, bread and things to make a sandwich, and cereal. Well I'll just eat alone and let her eat whatever.

I made myself a bowl of cereal and I sat on the counter. The playlist I put on for cleaning just ended so I decided to check out some music by Lauren and her sisters. I played their Spotify on shuffle and the songs that started playing were so good! They covered the best songs and their originals aren't that bad either. It's not my type of music but it's really good.

Maybe Lauren will be happy that I like her not because of her music. It's really good, don't get me wrong, but I like her for being that shy, a little clumsy and really beautiful girl. Her personality is the thing that makes me want to be her friend, to be close with her.

I checked out her profile on Spotify too and I really liked her song Pressure (stream on Spotify, iTunes and other music places). She's really talented and her sisters are too. If I'll ever hang out with them it probably will be a wild day.

"Good morning" said my sister as she stretched out her arms before opening the fridge.

"Morning" I said back with a smile. Brooke just nodded her head and also made herself a bowl of cereal. She sat next to me and started eating her breakfast.

"You're up early. Did something happen?" She asked after a minute of silence.

"No, I just couldn't sleep so I decided to do something productive and clean a little" I said and jumped down from the counter to put away my bowl to the dishwasher.

"Oh that's something new" she laughed "thanks for cleaning. I thought that you like living in garbage"

"Wow thanks. You're so nice really" I laughed.

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