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Y/n's pov

Lauren fell asleep on the couch as we waited for Mike to get here. She was laying on her side with her head in my lap and she was snuggling with a blanket.

From time to time I gently ran my hand through her hair or caressed her cheek. She looked so peaceful and cute, I couldn't stop looking at her.

But there were different things on my mind then her. My sister texted me just after Lauren fell asleep. She said that dad face timed her so they could surprise me for my birthday. She didn't tell me what the surprise was about.

I got a text from him yesterday's evening because for him in Spain it was already midnight.

'happy birthday princess!!! wow you're 20 now, you're so old! hehe I love you so much y/n/n 💙 I'm sorry that I can't be with you there to celebrate but I want to wish you the best!! you're my little princess! HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉

PS: I heard that you have a girlfriend now 😉😉

Love DAD'

He didn't say anything about a surprise and that man can't keep a secret. Once I told him that I broke mom's hairbrush, he promised that he won't say anything and next thing that I know was that my mom made me go to the store to buy her a new one because she found out that I broke the old one.

Maybe Brooke was just trying to get me to come back home? I shouldn't care about it. Today is my birthday and I can celebrate it with people that actually care and like me for me. They don't try to force me to change my personality. Lauren loves me and I love her, that's important.

I heard a loud knock on the door and my head shot in it's direction. I gently picked Lauren's head off my lap and I rushed to open the door before the loud knocking could wake my girlfriend.

"Hi" I said when I opened the door "you're Mike right?"

In front of me stood tall, bald guy with a little bit of beard. He smiled at me and nodded.

"And you must me y/n" He walked inside and  reached his hand out to shake my hand.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you" I shook his hand and smiled back.

"My sisters told me a lot about you. Mostly Lauren when I saw her couple days ago at their work meeting, but Amy and Dani couldn't shut up either" he laughed.

We walked upstairs to my room so he could help me with finally setting up that stupid bed frame. Thank God that Lauren called him. We literally only had a screwdriver here and Mike brought a whole set of tools plus and electric screwdriver.

"So you and Lauren" Mike started "what's up with that?"

"Wh-what do mean?" I cleared my throat and stopped all my actions. I looked at Mike and he smirked.

"She's crazy in love with you" Mike chuckled "she reminds me of Dani whenever she had a new crush"

"What does that mean exactly?" I nervously laughed "is that a bad thing?"

"No, for Dani is was really unhealthy but I think that you and Laur are meant be something"

"I think that we're already something. She's my girlfriend" I looked at Mike and he smiled.

"I know" he said and got back to work. I was kinda shocked, I sat on the floor just looking at him for couple minutes before I also got back to work.

We finished setting up the frame and made the support for the mattress. In less than 30 minutes since Mike got here everything was done. He helped me with placing the mattress on the bed and we were officially done.

"Thanks for the help" I high-fived him.

"Of course, you would probably still sit in the ground staring at the planks if not me" he laughed and I nodded.

"That's true" I said and we heard the door to my room open.

Lauren smiled as she walked over to us. She patted Mike's back and hugged me. "So you guys are done? Great! I didn't have to do anything"

"So you didn't sleep the entire time?" I crossed my arms and I looked at Lauren with a raised eyebrow.

"I woke up when Mike was banging on the door and that electric thing is really loud" Lauren smiled and hugged me.

"I'll leave you guys alone" Mike laughed and scratched the back of his neck "see you later"

Lauren walked out with Mike because she had to talk about something with him. I sat down on my new bed and I smiled.

"I made this" I said to myself and I laid back. Now it feels like home. It's actually better.

"Whatchu you think about??" Lauren jumped on the bed next to me "oh wow, you guys actually did a good job"

"Yeah but don't break it please. I don't want to sleep on the floor" I said and Lauren started laughing hysterically.

"You can always sleep with me" she gently ran her finger down my arm till it reached my hand. She interlaced our fingers and smiled at me.

"I don't want Christina to kill me when she finds out" I gave Lauren's hand a squeeze.

"She doesn't need to know" Lauren moved closer to me, and now our faces were inches apart.

I started leaning in for a kiss but she pulled away and stood up from the bed. I looked at her confused but she just laughed and grabbed both of my hands to help me get up.

"Why?? You ruined a perfect occasion for a kiss!" I pouted and Laur have me a tight hug.

"We have to go somewhere but later I'll give you all the kisses you want" she was about to kiss my cheek but I moved my head so that she kissed me on the lips.

Lauren joking pushed me away and walked out of the room. I laughed and went after her. She grabbed her keys from the kitchen counter.

"Can you tell me where we're going?" I asked and Lauren turned around.

"To Sonic! But we need to go to my sisters hours first" she said quickly and grabbed my hand. We walked to her car and drove to her sisters house.

Lauren played the radio and she sang along to some songs. I rested my head back on the seat but I didn't stop looking at her.

I had my hand on her right thigh and sometimes she placed hers over mine. We drove for good 15 minutes before we arrive at the house. There were a lot cars parked in front of the building. I guess that everyone came in separate cars today.

Lauren held my hand was we walked up the front stairs. She opened the door with her spare key. The hallway and living room we're dark so Lauren decided that she'll flip the switch.

When she did that I saw birthday decorations hung up on the walls and balloons scattered around the floor. After couple seconds a bunch of people came from the kitchen and some jumped out behind the couch.

SURPRISE and HAPPY BIRTHDAY was yelled by everyone in the room.

I took couple steps back and I covered my face in disbelief. This couldn't be for me. I don't deserve it. Lauren embraced me in a tight hug.

"Happy birthday y/n/n" she kissed my cheek.

I was still shocked. This all for me. That's why they Lauren didn't want me to drive her to work. They had all of this planned out just to surprise me for my birthday.

This is the one of the happiest days if my life.

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