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Lauren's pov

I drove back home with the biggest smile on my face. This date was amazing. I never thought that she could feel the same way about me! Well maybe she doesn't feel exactly the same way but she didn't push me away when I kissed her.

I know that I'm moving too fast but I can't stop it, she is different than others. It's this magical feeling no one ever made me feel. Through the almost 21 years of my life no one made me feel so special.

I parked in my usual spot in front of my house and I saw that Lisa's car was here too. I shrugged it off because she likes to come here after she goes back from gym.

I entered the house and immediately heard the loud voices of my sisters. I chuckled to myself and made my way to the living room before I'll go to my room to change to some dry clothes.

When I walked in I saw not only Amy and Lisa sitting there but also Dani. I sighed loudly and dropped my things next to the big couch that's in the middle of the room. I slowly made my way to sit next to Lisa, opposite to Dani who was sitting on the other couch with Amy.

"How was your day?" Lisa asked facing me. She was really calm, but I felt that something is wrong.

"It was fun" I said and she just nodded her head. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at her to try and read her face expression. She tried to keep her face neutral but she started to look guilt.

"Did something happen when I was gone?" I asked now facing the other girls. Amy looked down and played with her crooked fingers, while Dani was looking straight at me with a blank expression.

No one said a word.

"Guys, I'm worried. Please say something" I looked around at each of my sisters. Now Lisa was also looking down at her holo shoes.

"We need to talk" Lisa said quietly, she still wasn't looking at me. Amy, on the other hand, finally looked up and I saw the tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Lauren" she said and wiped away the couple tears that fell down her pale cheeks.

Oh no. I knew that she'll tell everyone. I took a deep breath and stood up. I grabbed my bag and looked back at my sisters. They were all looking at me to see what I'm doing.

"Lauren please sit down. I can explain" Amy said. She stood up and tried to walk over to me but Dani stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"She has to explain herself" Dani said in a serious tone. Her face was still, no emotions.

Lisa didn't say anything. Amy slowly sat down again and I just stood there looking at them. So many bad thoughts filled my head. I hoped that this will never happen. But Amy had to tell them and now I'm scared.

I placed my bag in the same spot as before. I sat down on the armrest of the couch. Lisa reached out to hold my hand and I accepted it. There was so much tension in the room so holding her hand made me feel safer.

"So explain everything" Dani stated while crossing her arms over her chest. She never looked more serious. I thought that she will be the most accepting about me questioning my sexuality but I guess I was wrong.

"Well I don't know what I have to explain" I said mocking her voice. Dani shook her head. Amy lightly giggled at the situation. Lisa was more calm now, only Dani made a big deal out of this.

"Lauren let's be serious ok?" Dani chuckled but she was still really serious. "You and y/n, what is that?"

"We're friends" I said and Dani raised an eyebrow.

"Friends like you were with Victoria?" I closed my eyes and held Lisa's hand tighter.

"Don't say her name. She used me. Y/n isn't like her and it's a completely different thing with her" I said with my eyes still closed. My voice was shaky.

"Dani let's not talk about it now, Lauren isn't ready yet" Amy said, trying to defend the situation but Dani didn't budge.

"No. She has to explain herself! I went through hell in California when I saw her, she told me everything Lauren. You have nothing to hide now"

That's why she acts like that. Arielle said that she saw our old neighbors so she probably saw her too. I can't believe that after four years she brought this back up.

"You don't understand anything Dani, I-"

"I understand a lot!" Dani stood up and walked close to me. She grabbed me by my shirt and brought me closer to her. Amy gasped in fear and Lisa let go of my hand and tried and get Dani to calm down.

"So why are you acting like this!" I pushed her away and also stood up. Lisa and Amy exchanged scared looks. I haven't had a fight like this with Dani in a long time.

"Why am I acting like this? Maybe because I feel stupid that I didn't know about your feelings! You had a crush on our neighbor! You made out with her a bunch of times and she has pictures and videos of everything!"

I froze. I couldn't believe what my younger sister just said. None of that is true.

"But that's not true. I never kissed her, we hugged a couple times and hung out alone a lot but nothing more. And I didn't even have a crush her. She was the one that had a crush on me" I said and sat down next to Lisa.

She hugged me and I realized that I was crying. Dani also sat down in her previous spot. She looked at me confused "what does that mean? She lied to me?"

"I guess that she did. I never wanted more from her than just being friends. Before we moved to Nashville she told me that, that she was in love with me. And I rejected her"

"Did you like her too?" Amy asked.

"No, I mean I liked her as a friend. She is really attractive and all but after I spent time with her I realized that her personality is awful"

Dani just nodded. "Lauren I'm sorry. I shouldn't have believed her, but I was just so angry that you didn't tell me about anything that happened with her. And after what Amy told us about you maybe liking girls I just put two and two together"

"It's ok, you didn't know and I'm sorry too. I know that I should've told you but I was embarrassed"

"Embarrassed? Why?" Lisa asked.

"That a girl likes me, I thought that you guys will feel weird about it so I chose to never tell anyone"

"Lauren, this is nothing to be ashamed of!" Lisa said and placed her hands on my shoulders. "And Amy told us, it's ok that you like y/n"

Lisa laughed and I smiled.

"See! Nothing happened! So Laur you can thank me" Amy said and hugged me. I looked at her and lightly pushed her off.

"I told you to not tell anyone" I laughed "this was for me to do Ames!"

"Ok ok, but it's not bad! I only told them and they are really accepting. See!?" Amy pointed at the other girls.

I shook my head and I told them about my date.


this chapter sucks lol sorry

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