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Lauren's pov

It's the morning after y/n's birthday. Currently I'm getting ready for the day. I'm really happy that she had a good time yesterday. She thanked me for making everything happen the entire way back home. She met my friends and I got some of her old friends to come over to the party as well.

Today I have nothing planned so I'm thinking about taking y/n/n to meet my parents and maybe later to her old house. She needs to talk with Brooke. I don't want her to hate her older sister for the rest of her life.

I walked out of my room to the kitchen to make some breakfast for me and y/n. To my surprise my girlfriend was already up. She was cooking something on the stove, even Amy was up. She was mumbling something about yesterday's party and y/n was nodding her head, because my older sister didn't give her a chance to speak.

"Good morning guys" I sat down at the table. Y/n turned her head to look at me and she smiled.

"Hi Laur" Amy also smiled at me "anyways back to the topic..." she continued her long speech.

I just shrugged and took out my phone from my back pocket. I was scrolling through Instagram when I decided to post some pictures from y/n's birthday party. Dani took some cute photos of me and my girlfriend when everyone surprised y/n/n.

I smiled at the three pictures I chose. One was of me hugging y/n from the behind, the second was just of her laughing in Dani's direction when she noticed her taking pictures and the third one was of y/n standing over the cake, blowing off the 20 candles.

happy birthday dude ❤️

I captioned the picture and posted it without tagging her for personal reasons. People will start looking her up and stalking her to just find out who she is to me.

"Breakfast is served!" y/n placed a plates of eggs, bacon and toast in front of me and Amy.
"Enjoy" she bowed and grabbed a plate for herself.

I digged into the food and so did Amy, and it was delicious! I didn't know that y/n has such good cooking skills.

Y/n's phone made a noise which brought everyone's attention. She smiled at me and my sister and checked the notification and started laughing.

"My friend just texted me this" she showed me the phone.


"I think that we will need to tell people at some point" I laughed and gave y/n's phone to Amy so she could also see the text.

"So you want to come out?" Amy asked and y/n raised an eyebrow.

"I have to do that one day. But I don't how or what to say" I shrugged and took another bite of my food.

"Take as much time as you need, it's an important and really personal thing" y/n reached out over the table to grab my hand. I gave her a small smile and she gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"Do what you think is best, you have my support through everything!" Amy patted my head.

After breakfast Amy went to her room to change and go to the gym. Y/n/n and I went to my room to talk.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked and my girlfriend shrugged. She laid down on my bed and I sat down next to her.

"You have work to do and I have to" she took a deep breath "talk with someone".

I ran my hand through my hair and looked down at my girlfriend. "Are you going to talk to Brooke?"

"Yeah" she closed her eyes and laid her head in my lap.

"I can go with you" I caressed her cheek with my right hand and with my left hand I interlaced our fingers.

"I have to do it myself Laur" she opened her eyes and I saw tears forming in her beautiful eyes.
"I'm going to talk to her, take the rest of my stuff and I'll give her back the house keys"

"Are you really sure that you don't want me there? Maybe Christina could go with you?"

"I'm sure" y/n sat up on the bed and she cupped my cheeks with her hands. "I know what I'm going to do" she pecked my lips.

"Okay but if you need back up I'm just one call away" I kissed her lips again. Y/n laughed and messed my hair before she stood up.

"I'll call you when I'll be going back home. And you" she placed her pointer finger on my nose
"you should finish that track, I want new music!"

Y/n left my room and after couple more seconds I heard the front door open and immediately after that close. I sighed loudly and laid down on my bed. I hope that everything will go well with her sister.

After couple of hours I was finished the music track for our new cover and I still haven't heard anything from y/n. And that made me worried.

"Lauren!!!!!" I heard Amy shout from the living room.

"What!" I yelled back and went over to where my older sister is.

"Mel and Jenny will be here in 5 minutes, we're going to the swimming pool. Do you want to go with us?" Amy asked me with a big smile.

"Sure but I don't know. Y/n haven't texted me anything yet and I want to be here when she'll get back"

Amy nodded and mentioned me to sit down next to her. She placed placed her hands in my shoulders.

"I have an idea for a coming out post for you" she smiled and shook me. She let go of me and stood up. "Imagine this! Go somewhere cute with y/n/n and take some cute pictures together!" Amy did a big motion with her hands.

"Then you can post them with a long and beautiful caption about how this relationship is important and now it affects you and just all cute stuff" Amy jumped up on the couch and looked at me, waiting for my reaction.

"Umm" I thought about it for a second "you actually gave me an idea"

"Really!?" My sister sat up in her knees and smiled big. "Are you guys going to do something like that?"

"No, it's something different actually" I laughed.

Just as I finished saying that, the front door open and y/n came inside. She was balancing two boxes in her one hand as the other was closing the door.

"Y/n/n! Let me help you!" I rushed to her side and grabbed one of the boxes from her.
"Why didn't you call that you were coming back?"

"Oh I forgot, sorry" she gave me a sad smile.
"But I'm here now" y/n winked at me and waved with her free hand to Amy.

"Hey y/n" Amy said "do you want to go to the swimming pool with us?"

"Yeah sure I'll just put these away and change" y/n took the box from me and walked upstairs.

"I wonder how it went" I thought out loud.

"Ask her that later and now go change, the girls can be here any minute now"

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