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Lauren's pov

"I ship it" said Dani and my other sisters nodded.
I heard y/n chuckle and I immediately felt my cheeks getting warmer.

"This is y/n, you guys heard a little about her" I introduced her and she waved.

"I think that you meant a lot" Lisa laughed and walk over to y/n to hug her. I saw y/n/n flinch but she hugged Lisa back.

"I feel honored" y/n laughed and looked at me. Soon my other sisters hugged her. "Do all of you like to hug strangers?"

"Yes" Amy said and squeezed y/n harder.

After Dani introduced herself she straighten up her posture, frowned and looked deep into y/n's eyes. Both of the girls are the same height, Dani tried to look intimidating and y/n just smiled goofily.

"If you hurt my sister even a little bit I'll kill you, understand?" Dani pointed two of her fingers between the eyes of the girl standing in from of her.

"So I shouldn't tell you about Lauren choking because of me" just after y/n said that I grabbed her hand and led her out of the room.

"You did what?" We heard Dani yell as we ran to my room. I slammed and locked the door because I knew that one of my sister will walk in here, but I wanted some alone time with y/n.

"Your sisters are interesting" y/n chuckled and I jumped on my bed.

"Tell me about it, I live with Amy but they are literally everywhere" I sighed and laid down. I heard that y/n walked around my room. I lightly pushed myself up on my elbows and I looked her.

She walked along the wall, dragging her hand across it. She looked at every picture and photo on my wall. She played with the strings of my guitar that is hanging next to my desk. She sat behind my desk and after looking at my keyboard she turned to me.

"So you're like really really talented? I listened to some of your songs yesterday and they are great! And I know how hard is all the band stuff but this is just so fascinating" she turned around and pressed some keys on my keyboard, playing a simple melody.

"Thanks, my mom taught all of us how to play the piano when we were little. This is just something I'm meant to do" I smiled at her as she turned back around to look at me.

"You're amazing" y/n stood up and walked over to sit with me on my bed. "I'm so happy that I met you"

Y/n was playing with my snake plushy while she said that. She avoided eye contact but I saw how red her cheeks got.

"I'm happy that I met you too, you make me feel this weird, but good, feeling no one ever made me feel" I reached out for y/n's hands to hold them.

"Can I ask you something?" Y/n finally looked up at me and I saw a small smile on her face. I nodded and she squeezed my hand.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

She asked me to be her girlfriend. Girlfriend. Y/n had her eyes closed, I wanted to say something back to her but I was speechless. She wants to date me. She wants me to be hers. I tried to say something but all I couldn't even open my mouth.

"I'm so-sorry for a-asking" y/n stuttered as she tried to stand up, but I pulled her back down. I didn't let go of her hands.

Y/n looked at me with tears forming in the eyes, I still couldn't say a word. I smiled at her and sat in-between her legs. I gently placed my hands on both sides of beautiful face, I wiped away a tear that fell down her cheek. I slowly leaned my face closer but y/n closed the distance between our lips.

Y/n's hands quickly traveled to grab my waist as I gave into the kiss. This was the second time we kissed and it was a lot better than the first time.

I draped my arms over her neck and brought our bodies closer. This made me want her even more. I pulled away to catch my breath but y/n didn't give up, she started gently kissing my jaw and neck.

I my breathing got uneven, I brought my hands down and started pulling out her tucked in t-shirt.

"Y/n" I whispered and she stopped kissing my neck and looked at me, she wasn't smiling but I could see that what she was doing made her extremely happy.

"Yes, I want to be your girlfriend" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Omg, I thought that you would hate be because of that question" y/n hugged me and I buried my head in the crook of her neck.

"So why did you kiss me and and did all of this?" I asked as I placed my hand on the side of my neck.

"Um you kissed me first!" She pouted and I giggled.

"Shut up" I kissed her again but she flipped us over so now I was laying on my bed while she was on top of me.

I was about to ask her for permission to take off her t-shirt but someone knocked on the door which made y/n jump off of me.

"What!?" I yelled and ran my hand through my hair.

"Are y'all hungry?" Amy asked as she continued knocking on the door.

"No we're not hungry!" I yelled back but Amy didn't give up. I loudly sighed and opened the door. My three sisters stormed in and sat on my bed surrounding y/n.

I looked at her and mouthed to her that I was sorry for them but she just smiled and patiently answered all their questions.


this chapter is shorter because I'm really busy this week but the one on Saturday should be longer

also idk if you'll like to read more chapters like this (😏) so let me know and maybe I'll write more in the distance future

and yeah that's it lol

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