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Y/n's pov

I woke up not in my bed. I lightly lifted my head and saw that my arms were wrapped around another body. It was Lauren, I'd recognize her beautiful black curly hair anywhere. I probably feel asleep here yesterday.

I didn't want to wake her up so laid my head back down. Lauren was deep asleep, it's probably still very early. I managed to free one of my hands and I played with some loose pieces of her hair.

Lauren's light breathing was quiet. She looked adorable, the small smile on her lips and the way her eyes were squinted, made her something I want to look at forever.

I smiled to myself and hugged her again, letting myself fall back asleep. This was a perfect moment, I want to stay like this forever and never let her go. She's my girlfriend and I'll do everything in my power to make her happy.

I felt some movements and something lightly touching my face. My eyes immediately shot open. When my vision cleared a little I saw Lauren's beautiful face. She was smiling at me and her hand was stroking my cheek.

"You scared me" I laughed and closed my eyes again. Laur giggled and I felt her starting to get up from her bed. I tightened my hug around her to keep her with me.

"Y/n, I have to get ready for the day" she tried to move my hands away but I pressed my face against her back and hugged harder.

"Please don't go" I whined and Lauren fully got up.

"I have work and your sister is probably worried about you" my girlfriend raised her eyebrow at me and I sighed.

I shifted a little and tried to hid under the covers but she grabbed the edges and pulled all of the blanket off of me.

"Get up, you promised me a date tonight" Lauren smiled again and went to the bathroom.

"Ugh my sister will kill me when I'll get back!" I yelled to Lauren.

"I would help you if you told me what happened!" She yelled back and I heard that she started the shower.

I sighed and stretched my arms. I looked around Lauren's room and saw my shoes and my pants thrown under her closet door.

I stood up and saw a huge mess that we made. Covers from her bed were all over the floor, some spilled popcorn next to a tipped over bowl. Lauren already had clothes all over the floor so this just made her room look like a war happened here.

She let me stay over even tho I didn't tell her exactly what happened yesterday. I still can't believe my sister. Her words are carved into my brain. When I close my eyes I see her, yelling at me for being in love with a girl.

You shouldn't hang out with her, she's just corrupting you. Nate would be a perfect guy for you.

After couple deep breaths I pulled myself together. I don't want Lauren to know everything, she will say that I should listen to Brooke because she's my older sister but I know that she'll be in pain because of what my sister thinks about her.

I cleaned the room a little, I made the bed and cleaned up the popcorn Lauren spilled while we watched Stranger Things. That poor girl cried the entire last episode, and tbh same.

When I finished I heard the bathroom door open. Lauren walked out with a towel on her head, she smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked and felt my cheeks turning red.

"For being an amazing girlfriend, and for cleaning. Actually just cleaning" Laur laughed "my room needed that"

I lightly pushed her by the shoulder and walked to the grab my clothes, but Lauren grabbed my hand and pulled me to her closet.

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