chapter 3

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// I keep stalling on this story and I haven't a clue why?? I have something planned out so you may get a few chapters coming up. Also I'm changing and extending the cast! Sorry I haven't been updating. I was in Les Mis as Eponine and that took up most of my time. Also the times that I did have to write, I was stalling. It took me a while to write this because I had to write a lot of backstory! This also may have triggering topics, so bewhere. Enjoy!

Eurydice, Kyros, and Katia ran for almost half a mile before Katia stopped.  She couldn't take the running anymore. As her child kicked at her stomach, she needed to rest. So they set up camp, or more sitting on rocks.  They all stayed silent. They didn't need a campfire, the road to hell was already warm and there were red, glowing cracks. They almost looked like crystals, but they felt like they were ablaze. You could burn yourself from a sing touch.

Then Katia finally spoke up, "So, Eurydice, what's your story? You seem to be one of the only ones who remembers who they are."

Eurydice looked up from her trance. She was busy thinking about the road ahead. What her life would be like when she got out.

"Um... it's complicated." She said quietly.

Eurydice was never one to be quiet, but when it came to her past, she rarely talked of it. Not even her former fiancee knew. She didn't like to talk about it much, and usually she kept the details vague.

"It's alright, I'll try to follow along as best as I can......but you don't have to! I hope I'm not forcing you to do anything." Katia said in a worried tone. She hoped she didn't make her friend feel uncomfortable. But Eurydice just laughed a bit, realizing there was not a bad bone in Katia's body. Trust overwhelmed her body, and the urge to say something seized her mind.

"No it's alright, I just never really told anyone. But maybe it will be therapeutic for me to say something." Eurydice said, biting her lip. Sighing, she started her story.

"When I was born, I had nothing to myself. Not even my own birthday. You see, I had a twin brother, Cineas. We were tight, he was basically my best friend since birth. We grew up in a strict household with all girls, except for him and my father. We had my three older sisters, the two of us, and then a younger sister, Phoebe. I can barely remember the names of my older sisters, because they got married and moved away when I was twelve. One was incredibly annoying though. All she did was complain. There was a giant age gap.

My parents, like I said, were incredibly strict. Mostly on my dad's part. My mom was a bit more lenient with us. All girls had to wear dresses and skirts. No makeup. You could only have long hair, if you were a girl. Cinna, as I liked to call him, always had to have his hair slicked back, wearing slacks, and had to wear a belt. Our grades in school had to be perfect, and we at least had to speak one language, mine was Italian. But sometimes, my mom would let the girls sneak on a little mascara and eyeshadow.

My dad worked in manufacturing transportation vehicles, while my mom ran a flower shop. The flower shop was one of my favorite places to visit, I'd like to pick out the red carnations. I had learned the meaning behind them in history class. They were my favorites.

My life was pretty simple, I went to school, play with my brother and our friends, Leocedes and Thea, I'd go to the flower shop and talk with my mother and sometimes helped her, and then I'd head of to the library where I'd study and fall asleep in a book, only for my brother to carry me over his shoulder and put me in our bed. Yes, we slept in the same bed, we were pretty poor.

We seemed like a perfect family till disaster hit.

When the economy crashed, my dad lost his job and the flower shop wasn't doing so well. We had to sell my favorite place in the world to survive. It just got worse. My mom got incredibly sick, she was coughing up blood. We couldn't go by her for the fear of it being contagious. She died a few months later.

My dad was heartbroken. He started drinking, and went crazy. My brother and I started working multiple jobs to provide for our family. My dad was never physically abusive to me at least, now to my brother, that's another story. But he did hurt me psychologically. At home, I had to act like a carbon copy of my mother, otherwise he would get.....angry. I had to dress like her, talk like her, walk like her, act like her.

About two years into this, my brother and I made a pact. He would run one way with our four year old sister to our aunts house. I'd run the other way, hopefully finding a safe haven. We were...I want to say 16 at the time. But we obliged. We took our last paychecks and some extra, hidden money and ran.

I haven't seen them since.

I wandered most of the time, and since I had no place to really go. Now that I was free, I could do what I wanted. I cut my hair short myself,  stole a little thing of eyeliner, and wore pants and a shirt from someone's clothesline. My clothes always began to change, I stole a jacket, lingerie, boots, nonintentionally ripped black jeans, and a vest. That became my go-to outfit.

I slept on streets, shelters, and I even....more than I'd like to admit, slept around for shelter. I began having trust issues with men. Seeing how my father had treated me, the men I fell in love with had always kicked me out in the morning or became.... abusive. So I'd run the first chance I'd get from any new opportunity.

But then I met my poet, he was different, charismatic. He didn't look at me in lust, but in love.  He sang me a song, you know. But then a flower appeared from his hand. Not any flower, a red carnation. So I trusted him. But as you can see, it didn't work out very well. I was hungry, I was desperate, he was always focused on his music and not providing for us. I was in the same place I was with my father. So I left. And you know the rest."

There were tears in not only Katia's eyes, but Kyros'. Eurydice, drowning in her own tears, was shocked at the sight.

They stayed in silence again, as Katia made the first move. She got up, sat next to the young girl and comforted her. Then Kyros did the same.

For the first time in a long time, she had felt loved.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can assure you that it will never happen again." The quiet Kyros said. She actually heard him talk about something that wasn't revolutionary.

Eurydice nodded her head.

She felt alright for the first time in a year.

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